Grenzenlos / Across Boundaries – Global Learning in Vocational Education

Globalization and Sustainability Topics taught practically
“Grenzenlos / Across Boundaries” is a project offered by the World University Service (WUS). The project procures teaching cooperations for teachers at vocational schools in the following federal states: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland. The guest speakers are students from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, who are studying in one of the participating German states. During the cooperation, the students impart developmentally relevant issues on sustainability and globalization at the respective schools. To make these abstract and often very complex topics easier to understand, the international students are trained in the interactive methods of global learning. After the event, they attain a qualification in the field that allows them to extend their qualification.
The aim of the teaching cooperations is to enable vocational school students to act responsibly towards nature in their prospective working places. It is therefore essential to not only explain value-added processes in areas like manufacturing, (fair) trade, and certification, but also to encourage critical engagement with the chances and risks linked to globalization – including their social, and ecological aspects. Moreover, vocational school students are in direct contact with the tutoring students who themselves are experts from the Global South. The vocational school students hence gain insight into an alternative living environment. They acquire valuable intercultural competences which prepare them for the increasingly international exchange.
Furthermore, accredited teacher training courses are also offered, in ordert to contribute to the "Education of Sustainable Development". Vocational schools can apply for the “School-Across Boundaries” seal of approval and thus extemd their school profile.
The teaching cooperations are based on the Cross-Curricular Framework for Global Development Education compiled by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK). From 2003 to 2006, Grenzenlos / Across Boundaries already successfully conducted teaching cooperations at schools in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Brandenburg/Berlin, and Schleswig-Holstein. Since 2016, the focus oft he project has been towards vocational schools.
Grenzenlos / Across Boundaries is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL, and by resources of the participating German Federal States.