Information Centre Educational Mandate North-South

Who we are

The landscape of Development Education in Germany consists of a variety of local, regional, national and international state and non-state actors. They all inform, communicate, discuss and engage in the area of Development Education and Global Learning in many different ways. For both interested persons and the actors themselves it is difficult to obtain an overview of this diversity.
The Information Centre Educational Mandate North-South (Informationsstelle Bildungsauftrag Nord-Süd), resident at World University Service (WUS) – German Committee in Wiesbaden since 1991, works to provide greater transparency and visibility of the wide range of activities.

The basis for its work is the resolution of the Prime Ministers of the Länder on development cooperation (MPK-Beschluss zur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit) dating back to October 28, 1988. In this paper the necessity of increased inclusion of development contents in educational work in schools and out of schools was defined. “The Prime Ministers of the Länder intend to increase the inclusion of development politics into school and out-of-school education to increase awareness and understanding for Third World problems.”

What we offer

The objective of the Information Centre is to intensify communication and the flow of information as well as to help building networks in the field of Development Education and Global Learning.  By doing so, it provides greater transparency and visibility of the wide range of activities and facilitates synergies.

Our monthly Online-Newsletter Bildungsauftrag Nord-Süd informs about the latest news, current activities and offers in the area of Development Education and Global Learning. Our circular letter Rundbrief Bildungsauftrag Nord-Süd is published on a quarterly basis with focal topics on Global Learning and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Our German-wide “One World Calendar of Events” (Eine-Welt-Veranstaltungskalender) gives an overview of the many events taking place on north south topics. Furthermore the Information Centre supports the joint working group of the Federal Government and the German States on Development Information and Education (Bund-Länder-AG Entwicklungspolitische Informations- und Bildungsarbeit) as well as other events. At EU-level, the Information Centre works in the network of the Global Education Week(Link ist extern), hosted by the North-South-Centre of the Council of Europe in Lisbon.