ARiC - Information Center for Intercultural Relations Against Right-wing Extremism Berlin

ARiC - Information Center for Intercultural Relations Against Right-wing Extremism Berlin

Husstraße 65
12489 Berlin

+49 30 3087990
Description of the Organization

ARiC Berlin provides background information and materials on the situation of migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities as well as on matters concerning German immigration and asylum legislation. It also promotes events and initiatives aimed at fighting discrimination, violence and right-wing extremism. Thus, ARiC seeks to promote tolerance and improve intercultural relations.

By means of the AriCbase database information system, data concerning contact details and publications can easily be assembled, administered, and accessed.

The database contains in excess of 40,000 entries and is updated regularly. It includes a list of 13,000 publications and more than 27,000 references to articles in newspapers and journals. All entries are arranged according to subject.

ARiC Berlin carries out projects aimed at providing education and information on issues like racism, right-wing extremism, migration, integration etc. We also seek to promote national and international networking.

We provide:

  • Advice and support for social and integration projects
  • General information and help (also via e-mail); online media database (more than 40,000 references to articles from newspapers and magazines, books, videos, etc.), annotated data base (about 3,500 references) with addresses of organizations and institutions
  • Education, organization of presentations, recommendations on publications dealing with topical issues (on request)

Themes of the organization