Südwind Wien
Laudongasse 40
1080 Wien
+43 1 4055515
Description of the Organization
Südwind is an Austrian non-profit organisation operating in the fields of global education, adult education, campaigning and public awareness-raising. They develop creative methods and ideas for education work for a better North-South understanding. They have already different experiences with EU-funded programmes. To a large extent the projects of Südwind are funded by the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture.
The main activities of Südwind are:
- Global Education: Seminars and Training, Programmes for teachers and multipliers, Production of Materials (Exhibitions, Workshops, Print-Materials), Network of Global Education Centres in Austria, International School and NGO Networks, Global Education Week
- Public Awareness: Campaigns: ,,Bitter Orange" (1997/1998), ,,Clean Clothes-Campaign" (1998/1999, since 2001), ,,Project Secure" (since 2001), ,,Fair Trade" (since 2001), co-operation with media and public events
- Südwind-Magazine: An Information-Magazine about: South-North-interdependencies, poverty and welfare, the world's cultures, a global future