North-Rhine Westphalia and WUS support successful career start in North Macedonia and Kosovo

Skopje/Wiesbaden, May 16, 2024. “I am positively surprised that so many women took part in the WUS North Rhine-Westphalia program to support young graduates in the difficult transition phase from study to work,” said German Ambassador Petra Drexler at the final certificate presentation in Skopje. In fact, more than 70 percent of fellows were female.

Antje Wandelt, German business delegate for North Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania at the AHK, encouraged the young graduates for their future. Prof. Dr. Valentin Mirceski, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, encouraged the candidates to be aware of their uniqueness in life and to work hard to contribute to the development of their countries and region.

Kristina Dimovska, a graduate of St. Kliment Ohridski University (UKLO) and an intern at the General Prosecutor's Office in Bitola, explained the course of the program on behalf of the candidates. Fatlind Tredhaku, a graduate of the University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren in Kosovo, gave the final words of thanks. After his internship, he successfully found a job in the education sector.

The program promoted by Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media and Head of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia and carried out by WUS, aims to promote the great potential of young academics in the Balkan region in order to improve the economic situation of the two countries North Macedonia and Kosovo. It was already the second generation who were selected as the best among the two countries' graduates.