Career Day at University Ss.Kyril and Methodius (UKIM) 2022 shows preparedness of students

The career day at the University Ss.Kyril and Methodius (UKIM) had been organised with the kind assistance of Prof. Kristina Mitik from the Faculty of Dentistry with all further faculties had been invited and contact had been made in advance. At the morning of the Career day, 22.08.2022 after a warm welcome by Dimitar Kaljoshevski, the trainer Monika Arsova asked all the students to introduce themselves. After hearing the introduction of the students, the career day started. The goal of the dayseminar was, to improve the application skills of young students at UKIM.

The first part of the day was to share information and data for CV preparation. A number of examples of both successful and unsuccessful CVs were also shown, which was important to the attendees. Through that, they were able to see the mistakes and notice to do and not to do examples. Then they had the task of each of them preparing their CV and presenting it, where special attention was given to each one and the mistakes made were pointed out as well as the possibilities to correct or change certain parts. 

After the coffee break, we proceeded with presentation about the motivation letter. We talked about the preparation of a cover letter as well as its application in practice. The need to prepare a cover letter plays a big role in the academic world and therefore it is of great importance that students know that it is necessary. We have seen examples of several cover letters, depending on the chosen structure they can apply. The students had the task of completing an exercise in which, by completing sentences, they had to prepare a motivational letter for receiving a scholarship at YALE University. Each of them completed the exercise and most of them understood the essence of the motivation letter, they knew how to prepare it and to convince their employers that they are the right choice. After all of the participants finished with the exercise, we went on Lunch break in Public room where the students had the chance to share their stories about their background and why they decided to study their subjects. All the students were with different backgrounds like: law, forestry, chemistry and medicine. It was an interesting sight to see the students share ideas on how they want to proceed with their careers. After the lunch break, we went back to the faculty proceed with the presentation.

The third part was a job interview simulation. In this section, they had the opportunity to watch two videos, one showing correct behavior during an interview and the other with incorrect, that is, bad behavior of a candidate during a job interview. The most important points such as dress code, code of conduct and posture were pointed, also a great hint was pointed out that within 24 hours it is recommended to send a follow up email to the interviewer which was new to the participants and they found it very interesting and productive. At the end of this part, they had the opportunity to perform a simulation, that is, one of them is in the role of an employer and the other in the role of a candidate for employment. Based on real, actual job interviews, they assumed these roles and managed to conduct interviews within the scope of the given task. This part for them was both educational and entertaining, which kept their attention after the meal when the energy is down.

At the end of the whole day, evaluation sheets were given to the attendees and we saw that the satisfaction from the participants was very high. That is, 100% of the attendees rated the event 5 (the highest rating), and also 98% of them answered the next question, whether they learned something new, with the highest rating - 5. The next question for revisiting this type of training is with a high positive response, that is, only one of the answers is NO. The last two questions referred to the professional, career development of the candidates, that is, they believe that attending trainings of this type, as well as preparing a quality CV, good preparation for a job interview can provide them with a more secure position in the desired organization. All attendees responded positively, that is, they understand the correlation between these trainings and their development.