WUS - World University Service Germany

WUS - World University Service Germany
Global Learning

Goebenstraße 35
65195 Wiesbaden

+49 611 9446170
Description of the Organization

W - as in world 
The World University Service (WUS) is an international non-governmental organisation which is politically and denominationally neutral. Since 1920 the WUS supports students and academics in higher education institutions. Today, WUS exists in over 50 countries.

U - as in university
The core issues of WUS Germany are higher education and defending human rights, especially the human right to education. WUS provides seminars, publications and information. It pursues public relations at political level, institutions, civil society and the media.

S - as in service 
WUS Germany takes part in national and international campaigns in the educational and development cooperation sector, offers consulting and carries out scholarship programmes as well as projects. Among its projects are those dealing with Development Education and Global Learning, capacity building for students from Africa, Asia and Latin America and subsidies for experts returning to their countries.

WUS takes part in national and international campaigns in the education and development sector, offers counseling and implements projects.

Information Centre Education North-South
The Information Centre of WUS is a project carried out jointly by the German State Administrative Units (Länder) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development. The objective of the Information Centre is to intensify communication and the flow of information as well as to help building networks in the field of Development Education and Global Learning.
Contact: infostelle[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Global Learning Portal
Offers an overview on of school materials, seminars and acitivities around Global Learning in Germany.
Contact: Heike Jäger, jaeger[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Website of German Federal States in Development Policy 
German Federal States in Development Policy presents the respective development policy objectives and activities of the 16 Federal States. It provides an overview of the multi-facetted commitment and involvement of the Federal States and their desire to contribute to the formation of public policy.
Contact: portal[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Development training for students from Africa, Asia and Latin America
With its project "STUBE Hessen", WUS offers a study-accompanying programme addressing students from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Contact: stube-ref[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. + 49 611 9446171

Projects with experts from Developing Countries
The project "Subsidies for Experts from Developing Countries" can promote graduated students under certain conditions in their return and professional reintegration in their home countries (reintegration programme).

Lobbying and Networking