Development policy

SMR - Swedish Mission Council

SMR - Swedish Mission Council

Gustavslundsvägen 18 Alviks Torg
Box 14038
167 14 Bromma

+46 8 4536880
Description of the Organization

Svenska missionsrådet (SMR) is a forum for churches and Christian organisations. Through SMR, the 35 member organisations can meet, exchange experiences and strengthen their competence. One of our main tasks is to enable NGOs in Sweden and the South to engage in development work. As part of our work for human rights we work to promote freedom of religion or belief. Swedish Mission Council is the umbrella for 35 member organisations, who have partner organisations in more than 50 countries in the world. Apart from that, one of our main partner organisation is Sida, the Swedish international development agency. Other partner organisations: Christian Council of Sweden, PMU, Church of Sweden, Digni, Danish Mission Council Development Department.

Leuphana University of Lüneburg, INFU

Leuphana University of Lüneburg, INFU
INFU - Institut für Umweltkommunikation
Campus, Gebäude 11 in der 3. Etage, Raum C 11.324

Universitätsallee 1
Postfach 2440
21335 Lüneburg

+49 4131 677-2802
Description of the Organization

The Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication was founded in 1996. Today, it is part of the Faculty of Environmental Technology at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The institute's academic staff carries out research, teaching, and knowledge-transfer activities related to environment and sustainability communication. Scientific analysis, theory elaboration, and concept development are the key components of all research projects carried out at this institute. Their objective is to promote the development of competencies at the individual, institutional, and collective levels in order to create a future based on the principle of sustainability. In the autumn of 2005, this institute was awarded the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development. The Chair's goal is to integrate the principle of sustainability into teaching activities and strengthen the institute's international orientation by establishing new cooperative ventures.



Chrysanthemenstraße 1-3
10407 Berlin

+49 30 4208202-52
Description of the Organization

For over 30 years, INKOTA has been an ecumenical network of development-oriented grassroots organizations, parishes, fair-trade stores, and individuals.
We align ourselves with the worldwide movement of the critics of globalization and therefore, work for a world in which the human needs and interests of all people count more than the economic interests of a privileged group. Hereby we link our support for our partner groups in the South with public awareness building vis-a-vis development issues in Germany.

biz - Bremen Information Center on Human Rights and Development

biz - Bremen Information Center on Human Rights and Development

Bahnhofsplatz 13
28195 Bremen

+49 421 171910
Description of the Organization

Poverty is increasing all over the world. Ecological catastrophes are becoming more and more severe. Also, the readiness to solve problems by the use of violence is getting stronger. The number of refugees and migrants is growing, and racism and xenophobia are shown more openly and violently then ever before. It seems difficult or even impossible for people of different cultures to live together. With its work, the BIZME aims at promoting the knowledge about other countries and the understanding of foreign cultures among German citizens. It provides background information on globalization and its (negative) consequences, and explains the (global) context. Thus, the BIZME works towards creating an awareness among people that our planet will only survive if each and every person contributes to its survival in the public as well as in the private sphere.

The BIZME organizes lectures, discussions, video evenings, seminars, exhibitions and much more. With its library containing subject-related literature, didactic materials, videotapes, CD-ROMs, and a comprehensive archive of magazines it allows interested adolescents and adults to get information on a multitude of topics. Information brochures and illustrative materials are also available for borrowing. Furthermore, the BIZME assists school classes, teachers, groups and organizations in the preparation of events, project days and school partnerships.

The BIZME cooperates with initiatives, groups and institutions in and outside the town of Bremen. It is not affiliated to any party or confessional group.

The BIZME is financed by the AG Entwicklungspolitik und Menschenrechte e. V., which is an association composed of individual members as well as the following two international and four national organizations: Amnesty International, Terre des Hommes, Bremer
Initiative Ostasien, Entwicklungspolitischer Arbeitskreis, Lebenschance, and Praktische Solidarität International.

Catholic Diocese of Hildesheim

Catholic Diocese of Hildesheim
Social Welfare Work – Worldwide Church
Bischöfliches Generalvikariat, Hauptabteilung Pastoral

Domhof 18-21
31134 Hildesheim

+49 5121 307-229
Description of the Organization

Catholic Diocese of Hildesheim – Social Welfare Work – Worldwide Church

  • Partnership program with Bolivia (information, guests, trips to meet our Bolivian partners)
  • Financial support of educational work and lobbying activities related to development policy and the Worldwide Church
  • Continuing education events for professionals
  • Recommending guests and speakers from developing countries and eastern Europe
  • Information and additional material on the "" (year of remission) campaign

Partner countries