Oikocredit Förderkreis Hessen-Pfalz e. V.
Bergerstraße 211
60385 Frankfurt am Main
Bergerstraße 211
60385 Frankfurt am Main
Rudolfstraße 137
42285 Wuppertal
Gustavslundsvägen 18 Alviks Torg
Box 14038
167 14 Bromma
Svenska missionsrådet (SMR) is a forum for churches and Christian organisations. Through SMR, the 35 member organisations can meet, exchange experiences and strengthen their competence. One of our main tasks is to enable NGOs in Sweden and the South to engage in development work. As part of our work for human rights we work to promote freedom of religion or belief. Swedish Mission Council is the umbrella for 35 member organisations, who have partner organisations in more than 50 countries in the world. Apart from that, one of our main partner organisation is Sida, the Swedish international development agency. Other partner organisations: Christian Council of Sweden, PMU, Church of Sweden, Digni, Danish Mission Council Development Department.
Universitätsallee 1
Postfach 2440
21335 Lüneburg
The Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication was founded in 1996. Today, it is part of the Faculty of Environmental Technology at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The institute's academic staff carries out research, teaching, and knowledge-transfer activities related to environment and sustainability communication. Scientific analysis, theory elaboration, and concept development are the key components of all research projects carried out at this institute. Their objective is to promote the development of competencies at the individual, institutional, and collective levels in order to create a future based on the principle of sustainability. In the autumn of 2005, this institute was awarded the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development. The Chair's goal is to integrate the principle of sustainability into teaching activities and strengthen the institute's international orientation by establishing new cooperative ventures.
195, Suite 2b
Naxxar Road
San Ġwann SGN 9029
Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali) is a voluntary organization based in Malta which works in the field of North-South cooperation. Kopin was launched in public during a seminar on "The Policies of the European Union with regards to North South Cooperation" held on 24 June, 2000. Although Kopin is not bound to any other organization it has good relations with a number of Maltese and foreign organizations. Kopin is a member of the Forum for Justice and Cooperation together with the Third World Group, Koperattiva Kummerc Gust (Fair Trade Cooperative) and Inizjamed.
Chrysanthemenstraße 1-3
10407 Berlin
For over 30 years, INKOTA has been an ecumenical network of development-oriented grassroots organizations, parishes, fair-trade stores, and individuals.
We align ourselves with the worldwide movement of the critics of globalization and therefore, work for a world in which the human needs and interests of all people count more than the economic interests of a privileged group. Hereby we link our support for our partner groups in the South with public awareness building vis-a-vis development issues in Germany.
Agathe-Lasch-Weg 16
22605 Hamburg
Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
‘Bread for the World’ has been the relief organisation of the Protestant Churches in Germany since 1959. Every year, it promotes more than 1,000 projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. ‘Bread for the World’ assists partner organisations in ‘community capacity building’. ‘Bread for the World’ stands up for the rights of people who are disadvantaged and marginalised in the globalised world. Its motto is ‘Justice for the Poor’.
For many years, ‘Bread for the World’ has focused on global education in its educational work as well. Teachers are invited to join the Arbeitskreis Pädagogik (working group for education). At the annual meetings, new classes focusing on global education are developed.
The journal Global Lernen (learning globally) is published every four months and is also available online at www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/global-lernen/. Each issue deals with a topic related to development policy and contains didactic advice and suggestions for teaching in upper secondary education. Previous issues dealt with the global financial crisis, nuclear weapons and development cooperation.
In addition, the ‘Bread for the World’ staff organises events and seminars with specialists from partner countries, creates teaching materials, holds competitions and organises school and youth campaigns – including the campaign ‘Fair Play for Fair Life’ and the nutrition campaign Niemand isst für sich allein (nobody is/eats on their own) (www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/ernaehrung). Furthermore, ‘Bread for the World’ offers further training of teachers and classroom visits.
39 - 41 Surrey Street
United Kingdom
As Development Education Centre we aim to raise awareness of peace and environment related issues through information and education.
Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin
The study group of Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke (one world-federal networks) in Germany inc. (agl) is the nationwide umbrella organization of 16 Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke (one world-federal networks) supports its members in their engagement of a future-oriented global development which is based on the principles of social justice, ecological lastingness, democracy and participation. agl reaches through its member's associations nationwide about 10,000 developing-political groups and associations. agl supports the educational, information and project work of its members. It links up activities and campaigns to topical central topics of interest and organises the exchange and flow of information between the federal networks by communication offers, advanced training and interlinking meetings. One World groups, federal networks and agl form together the structure within whose campaigns, plans, information and educational attempts from the developing-political area to transporting down in regional and local connections, positions and activities of the regional and local initiatives at regional state and national level are discussed. With our actions and campaigns we have asked governments and the Landtag (federal state parliament), the Federal Government, Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament) during the last years over and over again to go outside the box and into the direction of a fair and sustainable development. We support Eine Welt-Politik (one-world politics) as a cross-cutting task of all political areas of the Federal Government and the State Government. We are contacts for north south questions for the respective state
governments and other social groups.
By public-relations actions in the area of the developing-political domestic work we sensitize the people for world questions and motivate for behavioral changes in personal and political area.