Non-Governmental Organization

German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning

BKJ - Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e. V.
jugend.kultur.austausch global

Greifswalder Straße 4
10405 Berlin

+49 30 4848 60 53
Description of the Organization

The German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung - BKJ) is the umbrella organisation for cultural education in Germany. More than 50 nationwide specialist organisations and state associations have joined forces in the BKJ. With their offers of cultural education in the fields of visual arts, digital media, film, photography, literature, music, rhythm, play, dance, theatre and circus, they are committed to diversity, inclusion, voluntary work, international exchange and successful educational landscapes. We advise specialists and teachers in the field of (non-formal) arts education on technical and conceptual questions and on support programmes, also at the intersection with an education for sustainable development and transformative learning for global justice. Youth organisations based in Germany can apply to us for funding for individual programmes, for example for international exchanges in the field of cultural education or for educational alliances at local level.

ISC - International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e. V.

ISC - International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e. V.
Strategie und Bildung

Rudolf Diesel Straße 15
78467 Konstanz

+49 7531 36183402
Description of the Organization

Research for a sunny future!

Partner countries

NMA - NGO Management Association Switzerland

NMA - NGO Management Association Switzerland
NGO Management School

Rue Fendt 1
1201 Genf

+41 22 731 76 66
Description of the Organization

The NGO Management Association (NMA) is registered in Switzerland as a non-profit organisation. Behind NMA is a group of people who are active in development cooperation and humanitarian aid, as well as continuing education in these fields.

The aim of NMA is to help NGOs in the North and South to sustainably improve their management knowledge and skills so that they can even more effectively benefit their communities. To this end, we have been running NGO Manager, a website and newsletter with selected free management tools for NGOs, on a voluntary basis since 2001. We run management courses for NGOs and other non-profit organisations and associations. In 2007, we successfully ran our first courses in Vietnam, Cambodia and Nepal, and in 2008, our first courses in  Switzerland.

Themes of the organization

Partner countries

LGM - Lithuanian Green Movement

LGM - Lithuanian Green Movement
LŽJ būstinė ir laikraščio „Žalioji Lietuva“ redakcija

I.Kanto g. 6, Kaunas
Laiškams: a/d 160
44002 Kaunas

+370 37 324241
Description of the Organization

The Lithuanian Green Movement (LGM) was established by national environmental clubs, groups and activists in 1988. LGM coordinates the activities and exchanges information between some 500 members all over Lithuania.

As the first post-Soviet environmental Non_Governmental Organization in Lithuania, LGM played a significant role in the democratization process and in raising public awareness and participation on environmental issues in Lithuania. Today, LGM is one of the country's most active environmental NGOs, with the main strategies of influencing public policy, increasing public participation and raising public awareness about environment protection and sustainable development.

LGM's main activities include:

  • the protection of the Baltic Sea and its catchments;
  • the conservation of protected territories and natural landscapes;
  • environmental education and the raising of public awareness about environment and sustainable development;
  • energy and environment;
  • transport and environment;
  • monitoring the activities of the International Financial Institutions in Lithuania;
  • support for the development and strengthening of environmental NGOs and citizen's groups in Lithuania;
  • environmental protection in general.

LGM publishes a bi-weekly newsletter called "Green Lithuania"

Partner countries

Kopin empowering communities

Kopin empowering communities

195, Suite 2b
Naxxar Road
San Ġwann SGN 9029

+356 27 567 460
Description of the Organization

Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali) is a voluntary organization based in Malta which works in the field of North-South cooperation. Kopin was launched in public during a seminar on "The Policies of the European Union with regards to North South Cooperation" held on 24 June, 2000. Although Kopin is not bound to any other organization it has good relations with a number of Maltese and foreign organizations. Kopin is a member of the Forum for Justice and Cooperation together with the Third World Group, Koperattiva Kummerc Gust (Fair Trade Cooperative) and Inizjamed.

Themes of the organization



Chrysanthemenstraße 1-3
10407 Berlin

+49 30 4208202-52
Description of the Organization

For over 30 years, INKOTA has been an ecumenical network of development-oriented grassroots organizations, parishes, fair-trade stores, and individuals.
We align ourselves with the worldwide movement of the critics of globalization and therefore, work for a world in which the human needs and interests of all people count more than the economic interests of a privileged group. Hereby we link our support for our partner groups in the South with public awareness building vis-a-vis development issues in Germany.

IDA - Information, Documentation and Action Center Against Xenophobia For a Multicultural Future

IDA - Information, Documentation and Action Center Against Xenophobia For a Multicultural Future

Volmerswerther Str. 20
40221 Düsseldorf

+49 211 159255-5
+49 211 159255-69
Description of the Organization

TheInformation, Documentation and Action Center Against Xenophobia For a Multicultural Future (IDA) serves as a nationwide central contact point for youth associations, organizations, initiatives and professionals involved in youth welfare and educational work. It provides them with information material on (anti-)racism, right-wing extremism, intercultural relations and migration. IDA focuses on anti-racist and intercultural methods and approaches; it initiates projects related to youth welfare and links people working in this domain. IDA is a service center focusing on information, documentation, counseling, training, cooperation, networking, and public relations work.

IDA´s main points are:

  • Providing information and counseling
  • Publishing registries of speakers, movies, videos and educational material
  • Creating readers and flyers for professionals involved in youth welfare and educational work, e.g. concerning tolerance, integration, training, gender mainstreaming and international youth meetings.
  • Publishing a regular newsletter including the latest information on anti-racism and youth association work.
  • Organizing symposia and workshops
  • Provide training for young people active in (im)migrant organizations

The IDA-NRW is a state-run project associated with the organization. The IDA links theory and practice and serves as an intermediary between science & research and educational & youth welfare work. You will find the IDA represented in various German networks. When creating and setting up events, the IDA cooperates with related organizations, sometimes it even plans and arranges whole events for its cooperation partners.