Aktion Courage e. V.

Aktion Courage e. V.

Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 11
10787 Berlin

+49 30 214586-0
Description of the Organization

Action Courage was founded in 1992 by citizens' initiatives, human rights groups, organizations and individuals from all social areas and political parties as an answer to the violent racism in the German cities of Moelln, Solingen, Hoyerswerda and Rostock. To maintain social peace in Germany, we are dependent on the cooperation of people of different origins, of all cultures, and religions. If we want to achieve mutual respect, we must actively fight for it.

What we want:
Action Courage demands and supports the social involvement and political participation of people of foreign origins.

With our work and projects we want to achieve:

  • Encounters free of fear and prejudice
  • Readiness to communicate
  • Acceptance of foreign identities
  • Concentration on common values as well as
  • Disassociation from extremist actions and tendencies

Who we are:
We are a German group of active citizens and organizations of different cultures of all regions in the world.We are not onlookers. Discrimination of any kind is an attack on human dignity.

Therefore we defend ourselves with courageous actions against violent and open racism, as well as against latent and everyday racism in companies, local authorities, in schools and universities, in our leisure time and in our private life, in politics and the media.

Only if we are open us to the different worlds can we understand our own world and will we be able to live peacefully with each other.

What we do:

  • We provide information and do educational and public relations work
  • We lobby MPs and government officials
  • We offer intercultural training for the police and the German army
  • We document assaults and discriminations
  • We work together with human rights and anti-racism groups

Themes of the organization