

Cuvrystraße 20a
10997 Berlin

+49 30 970023-81
Description of the Organization

Anti-Bias attempts to fight discrimination and bias. Its goal is the intensive and experienced examination of power and discrimination, as well as the elimination of repressive and discriminating ways of communication and interaction.

Our website offers:

  • detailed information and literature on the Anti-Bias approach,
  • our programs of theoretical and practical work with Anti-Bias,
  • selected links on organizations dealing with Anti-Bias.

The Anti-Bias Network is an association that started as the Oldenburger Group, another association supporting Anti-Bias. We began our project after attending an Anti-Bias training programme at the University of Oldenburg in 2002 led by two women facilitators form South Africa.

On the one hand, our theoretical and practical basic principles are to be found in the relevant literature on Anit-Bias. On the other hand, our work involves theories, models, and methods from our academic and working contexts such as theories on culture (Rudolf Leiprecht, Stuart Hall), anti-discrimination training programs (Anita Kalpaka), as well as methods from educational and anti-discrimination work.

Anti-Bias is not supposed to be a self-contained approach with specific Anti-Bias methods. We rather see Anti-Bias as a lifestyle and as an ever-developing personal process. Furthermore, we consider the Anti-Bias approach to be an open concept (like the LINUX computer system). In this context, it is possible to apply methods of other concepts and approaches and thus continuously develop the Anti-Bias approach.