Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Refugee Council

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Refugee Council

Postfach 11 02 29
19002 Schwerin

+49 385 581579-0
Description of the Organization

Refugees are a special group among immigrants from foreign countries who seek protection  from torture, persecution and hunger caused by political, religious or cultural tensions, war and poverty in their homelands. Worldwide there are 12 million refugees. The number of regions of crisis in the world has not diminished. The acceptance rates of refugees in Europe and Germany have been decreasing for years. A large number of refugees are tolerated only for a short time. They are subject to special legislation and special residency requirements and they receive fewer benefits. This legislation systematically prevents them from  becoming integrated into society. 

Mecklenburg Vorpommern e. V. Refugee Council supports fair asylum application procedures, access to employment and educational opportunities for refugees, humane housing and unlimited medical care. The Council also fights any kind of xenophobia and racism. It participates in PRO ASYL and has connections to other refugee groups and organizations.


  • We provide advice to asylum seekers, tolerated and accepted refugees, people fleeing from civil wars, paid and voluntary workers, as well as associations and groups which are involved in refugee work. 
  • We organize continuing education programmes and campaign activities about refugees and asylum. We also find companions who accompany refugees who need to see doctors, visit advisory centres, consult lawyers and the like. 
  • We coordinate and promote refugee work in Mecklenburg Vorpommern.