Lower Saxony Refugee Council

Lower Saxony Refugee Council

Röpkestraße 12
30173 Hannover

+49 511 98246030
Description of the Organization

The refugee council tries to tangibly improve the life situation of refugees in Lower Saxony with specific projects. We do not only want to criticize  discriminating treatment of refugees, but also to intervene and change the situation.

The main focal areas of our project work includes:

  • asylum and health,
  • child refugees,
  • access to the job market,
  • (anti-) discrimination,
  • temporary right for tolerated refugees, and
  • networking of refugee relief.

The refugee council of Lower Saxony was founded in 1984 and is registered as a charitable organization. It consists of a network of about 500 refugee initiatives, congregations, labour unions and individuals who do not consent to the prevalent discrimination of refugees in Lower Saxony. This network provides the basis for fighting racism in Lower Saxony. The refugee council is a member of PRO ASYL (German Human Rights organization) and cooperates closely with the refugee councils of other German federal states.

Considering the decrease of funded refugee work it is important to maintain the remaining support structures for refugees and to further strengthen the initiatives. In cooperation with other associations our goal is to network and improve refugee work in Lower Saxony.

Our activities include:

  • professional counselling,
  • seminars and symposia,
  • public relations work,
  • legal assistance in individual cases,
  • publishing of  the Flüchtlingsrat (refugee council) magazine,
  • representation of the interests of refugees in Lower Saxony, and
  • critical monitoring of refugee policy in Lower Saxony.