Darmstadt depot

Darmstadt depot

Grenzallee 10
64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 50048-0
Description of the Organization

By means of educational measures related to development policy, through public relations work, and by cooperating in projects in southern countries, the Werkhof e.V. Darmstadt contributes to the fight against poverty and inequality, which are increasing worldwide. We believe that our own society has to change ecologically and economically if we are to have a world that can survive into the future. A fundamental change in thinking is necessary, particularly in rich regions.

A tremendous amount of money is made despite the global problems of migration, unemployment, threats to democracy and human rights, hunger, war, environmental destruction. In fact, there has never been as much financial capital as there is today, which is a result of what appears to be the only important fundamental value in society: "Maximize profit through any possible means". The consequences of this catastrophic development and the incalculable risks concern everyone.

For these reasons, we are particularly involved in activities within our own society, where we especially work with young people, both in and outside of school. Within the scope of our promotion of education and
awareness, it is of special importance to us to reach youths and the professionals working with them. With our long-term project 'Free trade – fair trade?' we try to draw young people's attention to the worldwide
interdependencies in all areas of life, but especially to the unequal conditions on the world economy and the possible consequences of globalisation.

Overview of our work:

  • Basic workshops (radio broacasting) for young people and educators (14 years and older)
  • Our "world economy and us" simulation and other games on development policy (15 years and older)
  • Media packages

Themes of the organization