Participate at STUBE

Participate at STUBE events
It does not matter whether you are a student registered at a German Studienkolleg, Bachelor, Master, Diplom or PhD programme, you can participate at the STUBE Hessen events anyway. At STUBE events you will be able to acquire new skills, meet students from around the world, build up a worldwide network and get in touch with representatives from companies, political institutions and civil society organisations. You will gain an insight on development-oriented issues and at the yearly planning seminar you will get the chance to influence the choice of seminar topics for the following year.
For each event you will receive a certificate of participation which is useful if you are applying for a scholarship.
Take an active part as co-instructor and/or speaker
As co-instructor you assist the STUBE project manager by organising the STUBE events - with regard to content and structure. Once a year, we offer a seminar for all participants who would like to prepare for the function as co-instructor. The last seminar was called "Einstieg ins Management interkultureller Veranstaltungen" which can be translated as "Introduction into the management of intercultural events". As a student you are also allowed to take up the position as a speaker and pass on your knowledge to other students. Prior to the events you will agree with the STUBE project manager on a topic which fits the seminar topic.
Student advisory board
Each year we organise one planning seminar where the new student advisory board will be elected. The student advisory board is staffed for one year and consists of 4 students of the continents Africa, Asia and Latin-america or the MENA-region. Part of the seminar is that students stand up for the election as student member and will be elected by the attending participants. In 2015 we adopted the election process: During the seminar 2 candidates of each regions were chosen by the participants of the seminar. Afterwards an online voting of all STUBE participants took place, where the final 4 student board members were selected. Their tasks mainly consist of but are not limited to:
- representing their continent at the 2 yearly occurring board meetings of STUBE Hessen,
- being a contact person for other STUBE participants,
- acting as a multiplier and carrying out publicity work for the STUBE program.
The current elected student advisory board members for 2023 - 2024 are
- For Africa: Martin Macharia Kamande
- For Asia: Tanvir Morshed
- For Latin America: Luis Miguel Velez Alzate
- For the MENA-Region: Hadeel Al Deiri