InterCap - European CSO-university networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world
Developing capacities together - Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development policy education in the European Union
Thirteen organisations from 12 different EU countries specialising in teacher training, education reform, sustainable development and migration issues and more than 40 other partners from across the EU (local authorities, ministries, universities and civil society organisations) supportied the InterCap project with EuropeAid funds for the duretion of 3 years (2017-2020).
In addition to the German Committee of the World University Service (WUS), the following organizations participated in the project: CARDET (Cyprus), WUS Austria (Austria), Oxfam Italia Intercultura (Italy), Diversity Development Group (Lithuania), the University of Split (Croatia), the Institute for University Co-operation Onlus [ICU] (Italy), Family and Childcare Centre [KMOP] (Greece), KOPIN (Malta), Liverpool World Centre (UK), Anti-discrimination Education Association [TEA] (Poland), Euro-training (Bulgaria) and the Institute for Global Education and Projects Development [Zavod Global] (Slovenia).
The project envisages to address the emerging concern on the way in which shifting public perceptions of (in-)security and risk influence understanding of migration, sustainable development, roles, responsibilities and lifestyles of EU citizens in an interdependent world.
With regard to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), European networks between civil society organisations (CSOs) and universities were established to promote global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world while strengthening the capacities of educational stakeholders in this field.
In addition, various practice-oriented projects involving civil society organisations, universities and local communities as well as a training package comprising six modules were offered. InterCap thus delivered a non-formal development education and global learning programme that caters to teacher trainers' and teachers’ interests, needs and availability and enables them to progressively engage with development through various “stages” of participation.
More information on InterCap can be found at
After completion of the project, a six-module online training package will continue to be offered until 2026. The training package is equivalent to two ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits and has been designed for both online and face-to-face participation. It is aimed at teacher trainers, teachers and student teachers. The complete package consists of 6 modules that address the topics of migration, sustainable development, global learning, and the participatory education methods that promote critical understanding among education stakeholders and strengthen global learning. To access the training package, please register with InterCap online:
The complete training package with all six modules is available online and free of charge. All supporting materials are also available for download.
![]() | The project is being implemented with financial support from the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the World University Service, Deutsches Komitee e. V. and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. |