WUS Award

Since 2016, the German committee of World University Service (WUS) honors graduates at German universities – from all scientific areas – who have dealt with one of the following topics of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations in their final theses:

  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • Global Learning
  • Human Right to Education
  • Migration/Asylum (till 2020)

The prize is embedded in the National German Action Plan for the World Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and is donated by the former Herder Club, Dresden.

An independent jury decides on the awarding of the prize and the winner will be honoured at a ceremony. The submitted works can be published in the e-library of the WUS Website.

The red button leads to the e-library of the submitted theses of the last years on our German website. Enjoy browsing and reading!


Award winners for the years 2016-2021

Here we would like to honour all the winners of the WUS-Award for the years 2016 to 2021

2021 - Patrick Ngapgou Donfack


Eine Schätzung der optimalen CO2-Steuer mit dem DICE-Modell

Author: Ngapgou Donfack, Patrick
Year: 2020
Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Bachelor thesis, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 76 pages, ger.


2021 - Timo Graffe


Climate Escape. Planung, Durchführung und Reflexion eines Schülerlabors zur Physik des Klimawandels für die Sekundarstufe I

Author: Graffe, Timo
Year: 2020
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Master thesis, Department of physics, 188 pages, ger.


2020 - Laura Huber


Analysis of data collection and data evaluation for compliance with SDG 6

Author: Huber, Laura
Year: 2019
Technische Universität Darmstadt

Master thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 189 pages, engl.


2019 - Svenja Binz, Julia Mira Brennauer und Phil-Torben von Lueder


Urban agriculture in camp communities: New perspectives – Recommendations for action for community-based projects in the scope of urban agriculture in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan

Authors: Binz, Svenja; Brennauer, Julia Mira; von Lueder, Phil-Torben

Year: 2018

Technischen Universität Berlin

Master thesis, Department of Architecture, 428 pages, engl.


2019 - Jennifer-Louise Robinson


Gemeinsam allein auf Tahriib. Wie somalische Menschen abseits legaler Wege mithilfe sozialer Netzwerke nach Deutschland kommen 

Author: Robinson, Jennifer-Louise 

Year: 2018 

Universität Osnabrück

Master thesis, Department of International Migration and Intercultural Relations, 119 pages, ger.


2018 - Miriam Bach und John-Martin Preuss


Solizentrum Lübeck. Eine Fallstudie über Widerstand und Solidarität in der Unterstützung von Migration 

Authors: Bach, Miriam; Preuss, John-Martin 

Year: 2017 

Philipps-Universität Marburg 

Master thesis, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 178 pages, ger.


2017 - Andreas König


Stranded People – Connecting the dots. Landschaftsräumliche Perspektiven auf transsaharische Migrationsrouten 

Author: König, Andreas 

Year: 2016 

Technische Universität Berlin 

Master thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture/Open Space Planning, 169 pages, ger.


2017 - Katharina Lipowsky


Triple Win durch zirkuläre Care-Migration? Eine qualitative Studie zur Perspektive vietnamesischer Pflegefachkräfte in der stationären Altenpflege in Deutschland 

Author: Lipowsky, Katharina 

Year: 2016 

Europa-Universität Viadrina 

Master thesis, Department of Sociocultural Studies, 204 pages, ger.


2016 - Nicole Schwabe


Die chilenische Studierendenbewegung 2011-2015 und die Konstruktion von Gegen-Hegemonie 

Author: Schwabe, Nicole 

Year: 2015 

Universität Bielefeld 

Master thesis, Department of History, 80 pages, ger. 


2016 - Rosa Lynn Grave


Globales Lernen - Motivation und Weltverständnis von Bildungspraktiker*innen in Afrika und Asien

Author: Grave, Rosa Lynn 

Year: 2015 

Universität Hildesheim 

Master thesis, Social and Organizational Pedagogy degree program, 108 pages, ger.
