
CYMEPA - Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association

Name of the Organization
CYMEPA - Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association

Irinis Square & Navarinou Str.
P.O.Box 56671
CY 3309 Limassol

+357 253 43311
+357 253 56066
Description of the Organization

CYMEPA was formed with the initiative of the International Shipping Community of Cyprus and with the support of the Commercial Community of the island. CYMEPA is an autonomous, not-for-profit NGO funded solely by its members.

The principal aim of CYMEPA is to actively assist effective efforts to prevent all forms of pollution of the sea. The Association also helps seafarers and executives to be more aware of safety and the protection of the marine environment. CYMEPA also operates extensive public awareness campaigns. CYMEPA supports and assists the Government of Cyprus in ratifying and implementing international conventions addressing the protection of the marine environment.

CYMEPA has set up in its headquarters, CYMEPA HOUSE in Limassol, a special hall where training seminars take place. CYMEPA has produced and is distributing several shipping publications.

The Blue Flag is annually awarded to Beaches and Marinas that comply with a list of criteria ranging from water quality to environmental education and information to beach/marina area management and safety.

The Young Reporters will investigate an environmental issue facing their community. They communicate their findings by writing articles in the local press attempting to create awareness about that specific issue. At a European level Young Reporters communicate with colleagues in other countries via the Internet.

Eco-schools are a Europe-wide project designed to encourage and acknowledge whole-school action for the environment. It will help pupils, staff, parents and the local authorities recognize the importance of environmental issues and take them more seriously in their personal and home lives.

Themes of the organization

University of Bonn

Name of the Organization
University of Bonn
Institute of Agricultural Policy, Marketing Research and Economic Sociology

Meckenheimer Allee 174
53115 Bonn

+49 228 732868
+49 228 732140
Description of the Organization

The Institute of Agricultural Policy, Marketing Research and Economic Sociology has dedicated itself to the study of economic and social aspects of foodstuffs. We are interested in all aspects of the subject, from sustainable production to consumption, and we are focusing on rural areas in particular. It is our aim to maintain our status as the leading institution in this field, one that is able to compete on an international level in both research and teaching.

In the area of organic and nutritional sciences, we offer a variety of state of the art courses and lectures designed to advance research as well as benefit the individual student. We use modern teaching methods which foster our students' analytical and problem-solving skills, thus furthering the practical competence of our graduates. By extending the cooperation of institutes within our university, and by collaborating with other leading institutions, we intend to enhance the education of our PhD students. In such an atmosphere of learning, we expect to teach the future elite in our field of study.

A key focus of our research lies on qualitative and quantitative empirical analysis. It is one of our major concerns to include our institute into the interdisciplinary research program of the faculty. In addition, we are working to extend international research networks. Our research is universally relevant and applicable, and we are one of the leading research institutions in the field of nutritional and organic science. As a result, we have been able to attract funding from various third parties, thus providing our students with ample opportunities to participate in research activities at our university.

In order maximize synergistic effects, we are working towards a partnership with the Institute of Agricultural Economics.

Themes of the organization

HIIK - Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research

Name of the Organization
HIIK - Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research

Bergheimer Straße 58
69115 Heidelberg

+49 6221 543198
+49 6221 542896
Description of the Organization

Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK) at the Department of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg

The HIIK is a registered charitable organization which devotes its work to research, documentation and analysis of national and international conflicts. The HIIK was founded in 1991 to continue the work of the research project entitled "Conflicts since 1945" headed by Prof. Dr. Frank R. Pfetsch at the Department of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg.

The HIIK publishes a report called Conflict Barometer every December. This report describes the recent trends in global conflicts. It is divided into five world regions and shows all the current conflicts in detailed tables combined with short descriptive text elements. In addition it includes global trends in the conflict behaviour of the different states, as well as the measures that were taken for conflict resolution in the respective year. Coups d'état, attempted coups d'état, acts of international terrorism as well as new measures of conflict resolution are also recorded.

In their Cosimo database, the HIIK records information about the political conflicts that have taken place since 1945. Since 2003, a relational database system has been in use that has revised, updated and expanded the entire set of data of the 1.3 version of the Cosimo conflict database. Today, Cosimo 2.0 contains information about more than 500 conflicts with more than 2,500 instances that have complicated their resolution. The new version enables a delineation of the detailed conflict development in its violent and non-violent phases with the help of the systematic recording of the individual phases of fighting. Furthermore, the database includes extensive details about the structure of governmental and non-governmental participants in the conflict recorded by years.

The HIIK creates regional and global abstracts, counts, and analyses from the Cosimo data base for journalists, researchers, institutes, public institutions, and everyone who is interested in conflict management.

Themes of the organization

The Ministry for Education and Employment

Name of the Organization
The Ministry for Education and Employment

Great Siege Road
Floriana VLT 2000

2598 0000 / 2598 2463
Description of the Organization

Ziel des maltesischen Bildungsministeriums ist eine generationenübergreifende Ausbildung und Vermittlung von notwendigen Fähigkeiten und Talenten. Vor allem für Jugendliche sind soziale Kompetenzen, Schlüsselfähigkeiten und konkretes Wissen zentral für verbesserte berufliche Chancen. Das Bildungssystem und dessen Institutionen, welche diese Kompetenzen vermittelt, soll geprägt sein von Gleichheit, Gerechtigkeit, Inklusion und Vielfalt.

DISS - Duisburg Institute for Linguistics and Social Science

Name of the Organization
DISS - Duisburg Institute for Linguistics and Social Science

Siegstraße 15
47051 Duisburg

+49 203 20249
Description of the Organization

The Duisburg Institute for Linguistics and Social Science (Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialforschung, DISS) has been working in the field of exclusion processes in society for more than 15 years. Its work aims at grasping social problems, analysing their sources and effects. Analyses of media politics and every-day discourse are published regularly in a special edition. DISS also distributes a magazine on selected controversial issues of every-day political life twice a year complementing two annual workshops. Its extensive archive on politics, history and right-wing extremism provides information for scientists, students and journalists working in the field of anti-discrimination.

Themes of the organization