
LISUM - Berlin-Brandenburg State Institute of Pedagogy for Schools and the Media

Name of the Organization
LISUM - Berlin-Brandenburg State Institute of Pedagogy for Schools and the Media

Struveweg 1
14974 Ludwigsfelde-Struveshof

+49 3378 209100
+49 3378 209198
Description of the Organization

Our work involves:

  • curriculum development
  • ensuring the quality of schooling
  • further training for teachers
  • administration personnel and school agencies
  • school and pilot projects and training
  • providing advice on media education

dbXchange network

Name of the Organization
dbXchange network
CoCoon-Studio, TU Berlin

Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin

+49 30 31-29647
Description of the Organization


DesignBuild takes students from their studio desks into the physical world of human interactions and construction.

On this platform you can exchange information and knowledge about DesignBuild activities, promote your projects, organisation and your own expertise, search and offer literature, initiate collaboration, look for support, find answers to questions about pedagogy, logistics, liabilities, funding and construction.

Students, planners, employers, clients and users, researchers, teachers, politicians, entrepreneurs, donors, crafts-men, academics and non-academics are warmly welcome to join the dbXchange network. ... become a member!

This exchange platform and database is not reduced to north- south relations but open to all kind of fruitful learning cooperations in every direction.


IfW - Institute for World Economics

Name of the Organization
IfW - Institute for World Economics

Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel

+49 431 8814-1
+49 431 8814-500
Description of the Organization

The Kiel Institute for World Economics at the University of Kiel is an international center for economic policy research and documentation, it has about 270 employees. The Institute's main activities are economic research, economic policy consulting, and the documentation and provision of information about international economic relations. The Institute's publications and services are addressed to academics in Germany and abroad as well as to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors, and to those people in the general public interested in domestic and international economic policy. The Institute's Library is one of the world's largest libraries for economics and social sciences and the Institute's Economic Archives have a comprehensive collection of newspaper cuttings spanning eight decades.

The Institute was founded in 1914 by Bernhard Harms. The Institute, which is an independent institution, is affiliated with the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. It is a member of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL), which unites institutes and service providers of supraregional importance.

In the field of academic research the Institute regards applied research as its principal domain. The Institute engages especially in the empirical analysis of current economic policy issues, the theoretical analysis of new economic phenomena, and innovative economic thinking to find new solutions to economic policy problems.

Themes of the organization

Turun yliopisto - University of Turku

Name of the Organization
Turun yliopisto - University of Turku
RUSE - Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Unit for the Sociology of Education

P.O.Box 7245
20014 Turun yliopisto

+358 2 333 51
+358 2 333 6363
Description of the Organization

Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE) at the University of Turku, Finland is one of the departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences specialised in research and postgraduate education. Research areas include higher education, adult education, educational policy and comparisons of educational systems. Interrelations between education and work, competences and knowing how as well as pragmatism in social sciences are also central research topics. Research at RUSE is characterized by multidisciplinarity and it has often been organized through local, national and international cooperation. One of RUSE's latest interests is the knowledge creation in various networks and the developing of new learning methods.

Quantitative research at RUSE is often based on large register databases and social surveys. RUSE has a unique, large longitudinal database and access to a large European survey database on graduates' careers. For instance, research on equality of educational opportunities based on statistical data covering three decades has been a constant research interest. Qualitative research is also conducted at RUSE, leaning on historical data and document analyses.

RUSE has been active in developing innovative approaches to computational methods such as simulations in order to cross new methodological frontiers and to better meet the needs of evaluation and strategic planning. These experimental approaches support the mutual development of basic and applied research.

RUSE works in close cooperation with the Institutions and Social Mechanisms (IASM) consortium, Master's Degree Programme and IASM Graduate School that has been established at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

ZILAS - Zentralinstitut für Lateinamerikastudien

Name of the Organization
ZILAS - Zentralinstitut für Lateinamerikastudien

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 26
85072 Eichstätt

+49 8421 21249
Description of the Organization

The Catholic university of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt belongs to few colleges in the Federal Republic of Germany at which the employment of Latin America forms a main focus in studies and research. The central institute founded in 1986 (ZILAS) should serve by its activities in research and apprenticeship to create the conditions for a better understanding more centrally of social areas and processes as well as more importantly cultural phenomena in history and present of the Latin American countries.