Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg
Dammtorstraße 14
20354 Hamburg
Dammtorstraße 14
20354 Hamburg
Caldenhofer Weg 118
59063 Hamm
The Hammer Forum provides medical help for children in war and conflict zones. Help provided by the Hammer Forum is based on voluntary work of doctors, nurses and other people. It comprises founding stationary institutions in the children’s home countries, sending doctors and nurses from Germany to the various regions and, in exceptional cases, transferring injured children to Germany for treatment.
Rissener Landstraße 193
22559 Hamburg
Am Markt 6
99438 Bad Berka
Iserlohner Straße 25
58239 Schwerte
Werderstraße 124
19055 Schwerin
Jägerweg 2
19053 Schwerin
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 19a
39167 Niederndodeleben
Mauritiushaus Niederndodeleben carries out educational projects for global learning. The focus is on workshops with ecclesiastical groups, One-World groups and school classes on current issues related to development policy and ecumenical Christianity. Normally, events take place in our seminar house (30 beds) in Niederndodeleben, near Magdeburg. We work together with partners from ecclesiastical and secular fields.
Groner-Tor-Straße 33
37073 Göttingen
IKUD® Seminare stands for interculturalism and didactics and is the professional answer to the increasing demand for training, coaching and consulting services in the field of international cooperation. We train and advise businesses, organisations or individuals who operate internationally or plan to extend their communication and management skills in a European or wider international context.
We also specialise in the training of persons who plan to work, or are already working, as trainers and/or coaches. Increased globalisation and cultural diversity mean that intercultural communication skills are required in many areas of professional and private life, and the demand for qualified Intercultural Trainers is rising accordingly.
Siglfinger Straße 50
85435 Erding