arche noVa
Specialist department for Global Education in Saxony
Weißeritzstraße 3
01067 Dresden
+49 351 481984-0
Description of the Organization
Arche noVa is an aid organisation that sets up humanitarian aid projects (Syrien, Irak, Libanon, Ukraine), development cooperation projects (Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippinen, Uganda, Äthiopien, Somalia, Mali, Kenia) as well as development education in the form of school projects on topics such as ‘water’, ‘world trade and globalisation’, ‘(international) conflicts’ and ‘humanitarian aid’.
Themes of the organization
- Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21
- Labour/labour rights
- Poverty
- Education
- Democracy
- Discrimination
- Development education
- Development cooperation
- Fair trade
- Refuge and Asylum
- Peace/conflict
- Justice
- Global learning/global education
- Globalization
- Integration/Migration
- Inter-/multiculturalism
- Inter/transnational corporations
- Emergency aid/humanitarian aid
- Media
- Human rights
- Sustainable development
- North-South-Relations
- Terrorism
- Environment
- Water
- World economic relations
- Civil society