artefact gGmbH for Global Learning and Local Action

Name of the Organization
artefact gGmbH for Global Learning and Local Action
artefact Zentrum für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Bremsbergallee 35
24960 Glücksburg

+49 4631 6116-0
Description of the Organization

artefact is a non profit making organization dedicated to the application and dissemination of economically viable, ecologically and socially appropriate technologies for regionally and internationally sound and sustainable development.

The Centre for Appropriate Technology and International Development Cooperation maintains a seminar and conference building erected with innovative architecture from three continents, the use of local resources for energy efficient and healthy construction technics and
with its own power generation: solar energy, wind power and biomass guarantee electricity surplus throughout the year.

Germany´s first Energy Infotainment Park with other internationally relevant demonstration and trial plants attracts ten thousands of visitors every year and is the ideal training ground for workshops, specialist seminars and application tests: Indian biogas plants, Nubian
vaults, fire wood saving cookers, irrigation and electrification systems for different climatic conditions are tested and operated. - and evaluated for their compatibility or modification in order to fit into other framework conditions. Technology adjustment, participatory
appraisal, project management and private-public partnership are the artefact keys for sustainable development.

Success stories can be seen next door: EVN Ltd. installing biomass gasification and cogeneration plants in the region, Pro Lehm manufacturing straw adobe tiles and building recyclable houses for the regional market - reasons for selecting them together with artefact as

artefact, the 1998 European Solar Price winner, master drafts courses in cooperation with partners such as

  • German Foundation for International Development DSE
  • Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft
  • Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
  • International Network for Sustainable Energy INforSE

and many other governmental, non-governmental and church organizations

All lecturers and practioners of our courses have professional experience abroad. Flensburg University with is institute „Sustainable Energy Systems and Management“/Appropriate Rural Technologies and Extension Skills is a close cooperation partner.