Stichting Woord en Daad

Stichting Woord en Daad
Postadres: Postbus 560, 4200 AN Gorinchem

Spijksedijk 16
4207 GN Gorinchem

+31 183 611800
Description of the Organization

Woord en Daad wants to fight poverty in Africa, Asia and Central-America from a Christian perspective. We operate in the following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Liberia, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Chad, Zambia, South Africa. Through local organizations we want to provide a decent existence for the poor. To do this, we make an appeal to everyone's responsibility, both here and over there. Woord en Daad would like to be a strong and reliable link between you and the poor in our working area. Woord en Daad structurally cooperates with Christian partner organizations in the Education program (kindergarten, primary, secondary, informal and literacy education), the Job & Income program (vocational education and traning, job mediation, micro enterprise development and small and medium enterprise development), and the Basic Needs program (health care, water and sanitation, and agriculture).

Themes of the organization