Development cooperation

SIDA - Sveriges biståndsmyndighet / Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Name of the Organization
SIDA - Sveriges biståndsmyndighet / Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Box 2025, 174 02 Sundbyberg
Rissneleden 110
174 57 Sundbyberg

+46 8 698 5000
Description of the Organization

Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, is a government agency that reports to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In August 2004 Sida had 769 employees of whom 165 were working abroad usually at one of Sida's approximately 40 offices in the partner countries. The government appoints the members of Sida's board and Sida's director general. Sida is responsible for most of Swedens contributions to international development cooperation. In 2004, the contributions amounted in total to SEK 21 751 millions. The goal of Sida's work is to improve the standard of living of poor people and, in the long term, to eradicate poverty.

We Effect

Name of the Organization
We Effect

Östgötagatan 90
100 61 Stockholm

+46 8 120 371 00
Description of the Organization

The Swedish Cooperative Centre is the channel that the Swedish cooperative moment use for its activities in development cooperation. We are a non-governmental organisation which support cooperative development and popular movements in order to improve living conditions for poor people and give them more power in society. Our vision is a world without poverty and injustice.

Themes of the organization

Diakonia - People Change the World

Name of the Organization
Diakonia - People Change the World

Gustavslundsvägen 18 Alviks torg
Box 14038
167 14 Bromma

+46 8 453 6900
Description of the Organization

Diakonia is a global network of people, organisations and churches working towards more people living a life in dignity. Diakonia has nearly 40 years experience of development work. Diakonia was established in 1966 under the name Free Church Aid. In 1984 the name was changed to Diakonia. The word "diakonia" is Greek and menas care and service.

Diakonia´s goal is a fair and sustainable development in which living standards for the most vulnerable people are iomproved, and democracy, human rights and ewuality are respected across the world. The starting point for this is the gospel eith Jesus as the role model.

Diakonia does not carry out any projects of its own, but support local partners. As they are already present, the aid becomes effective.


Everywhere on earth where poverty, injustice and violence occur you will find people who are inspired to make a change. Diakonia´s vision is that all people can live a satisfactory life and have the opportunity to exercise their civil and political rights, which means secured livelihood, a peaceful living environment and knowlede to influence ones situation.

Our Swedish Base

Diakonia is an organisation with six of Sweden´s churches as denominations; Interact, The Methodist Church in Sweden, The Swedish Alliance Mission, The Swedish Baptist Commonity, The Swedish Salvation Army and The Mission Covenant Church of Sweden. People in their congregations form Diakonia´s Swedish support base. Diakonia work with, and for, these people with popular education, mobilisation, campaigning and fundraising. The support base also includes local and regional Diakonia representatives and many individuals. These are very important in spreading information and carrying out campaigns for Diakonia and our work.

norgesvel - Det Kongelige Selskap for Norges Vel

Name of the Organization
norgesvel - Det Kongelige Selskap for Norges Vel

Bråteveien 200
2013 Skjetten

+47-94 79 19 70
Description of the Organization

The Royal Norwegian Society for Development is an independent, non-profit organisation, presently consisting of 40 organisational and 1100 individual members. The Society's mission is to develop viable local communities with a wide range of business activities, good social services and a thriving cultural life.

National Centre of Expertise

The Society has a staff of 35, covering a wide range of professional training and experience. Most of the Society's employees work at the main office on the Hellerud farm north-east of Oslo, but some of the staff are also located in towns throughout Norway. The Society is most known for its efforts to develop viable rural communities, by helping to facilitate the growth of a wide range of local business, social and cultural services, often with a cooperative approach. The Society is also known for its contribution to develop
Norwegian agriculture. In addition, the society honours individuals that have shown extraordinary social commitment and regularly awards prizes for ‘long and faithful service' to employees having worked for the same employer for at least 30 years.

International development

The Society is also an active cooperating partner in international development projects, particularly in Eastern and Southern Africa, but also elsewhere in the South. As in the national activities, significant emphasis is placed on business development, e.g., by helping local
(often co-operative ...) initiatives to become competitive enterprises. In these projects, the Society uses its own professional expertise as well as relevant know-how and experience found among cooperating persons and organisations throughout the world.

Themes of the organization

CISV Onlus - Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato Onlus

Name of the Organization
CISV Onlus - Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato Onlus

Corso Chieri 121/6
10132 Torino TO

+39 011 8993823

PRO.DO.C.S. - Progetto Domani: Cultura e Solidarieta

Name of the Organization
PRO.DO.C.S. - Progetto Domani: Cultura e Solidarieta

Via Etruria 14
00183 Rom

+39 06 77072773
Description of the Organization

Project Tomorrow: Culture and Solidarity