LICHR - Legal Information Centre for Human Rights
J.Köleri 8
10150 Tallinn
J.Köleri 8
10150 Tallinn
Via Borgosesia, 30
10145 Torino TO
Pianeta Possibile promotes intercultural education, educational cooperation and exchange among associations, schools, universities and local organizations of North and South, especially in Euro-mediterranean area. It focuses on current social and cultural changes, on building Europe and a service agency for organizations, associations and companies, Pianeta Possibile plans and carries out cultural events, training and citizenship programs. It draws up material aimed to teaching, information and sensibilization towards intercultural relationship.
Akadeemia tee 23
12618 Tallinn
European Movement in Estonia
Grote Marktstraat 47a
2511 BH Den Haag
Corso Chieri 121/6
10132 Torino TO
Vestergade 14-16
2nd floor
1456 Copenhagen K
Zum Handwerkszentrum 1
21079 Hamburg
The Centre for Energy, Water and Environmental Technology was founded back in 1985. Since then, it has established itself as a practice-oriented service provider in environmental and climate protection issues. It is a contact point for building owners, craftsmen, planners and companies from the Hamburg metropolitan region who want professional support.
Fänriksgatan 3 A
FI-20500 Turku
Bornitzstraße 101
10365 Berlin
Strada Maior Opriș Ilie 54
041378 Bucharest
For over 14 years, our mission is to accompany refugees, to provide services and to advocate for their cause. We provide holistic (social and legal assistance, education, cultural and educational activities, financial support and accomodation, advocacy and lobbying, research, studies and surveys, training and seminars, awareness campaigns and information) through various types of projects that we develop (11 projects in 2013).
We assist all categories of refugees and migrants (people with a form of protection in Romania, relocated people, asylum seekers, people in detention, refugees marginalized, tolerated, migrants coming to work or study and others). We are present in all centers opened in country as well as in detention centers (8 centers in total).
JRS Romania has a night shelter in Bucharest named “Pedro Arrupe Center” and also a Multifunctional and Cultural Center named “MyPlace”.
Over 1.500 refugees have been assisted in areas such as association and economic exclusion, detention, integration and acceptance conditions. About 20 specialists work constantly in order to accomplish our mission, supported by many enthusiastic volunteers of all ages and in all fields.