Governmental organization

State Chancellery - Federal, European and International Affairs - Department IV B 3

Name of the Organization
State Chancellery - Federal, European and International Affairs - Department IV B 3
Development education work, International Location Bonn

Postanschrift: 40190 Düsseldorf
Horionplatz 1
40213 Düsseldorf

+49 211 837-1327
+49 0211 837-1170
Description of the Organization

Since October 2010, the responsibility for the “One-World”-policy in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been in the hands of the State Chancellery section of the Ministry for Federal, Europe and International Affairs. In December 2012, the Cabinet passed on a new „One-World”-Strategy, through which North Rhine-Westphalia underlines its global responsibility as the most populous federal state in Germany. The new “One-World”-Strategy functions as the basis for the future development work in North Rhine-Westphalia and for its development cooperation with partners in countries of the South. The strategy states the six strategic fields of action of the development contribution of North Rhine-Westphalia: education and youth; science and research; climate protection; economy; Good Governance and administrative action; participation of the civil society. Basic principles of the North Rhine-Westphalian involvement are global justice, sustainability, inter-departmental coherence and concentration.

Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing Ministry

Name of the Organization
Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum
development cooperation

Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 75
65185 Wiesbaden

+49 611 815-2332
Description of the Organization

The federal state of Hesse is self-conscious of the challenges of globalization. The federal state government (Landesregierung) supports the numerous actors of the civil society in their international relations and helps whenever its intervention as facilitator is necessary in order to provide access for private measures and programs.

Through development cooperation, Hesse contributes to the promotion of trade and economic development as well as to ensuring the protection of human rights and the promotion of peace and understanding among nations. This way, Hesse contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Economic development is a necessary condition in order to eliminate poverty. Strengthening the private sector helps enabling economic growth, employment, leads to employee qualification and generates income. Hence, Hesse’s development cooperation concentrates on projects aiming at economic growth and the integration of its partners into the global market. This represents also a means of improving the conditions in developing countries for foreign private investments. To achieve these purposes the government of Hesse works close together with associations and organizations active in the field of development cooperation, notably with the Network for Development Policy in Hesse (Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Hessen) and with local actors of the economy.

Hesse supports above all educational projects as well as projects facilitating the transfer of know-how and the strengthening of market-oriented economies – from self-help projects to qualification projects in international marketing.

These measures also include the promotion of Fair Trade. On the one hand, Fair Trade is a means of supporting producers in developing countries; on the other hand, it provides opportunities for action to citizens who, in their role as consumers, wish to contribute to a fair shaping of globalisation.

The federal state of Hesse supports development education and information, on globalisation issues and education for sustainable development, following the motto „shared responsibility in thinking and acting“. This enhances the understanding of global inter-dependencies and encourages cooperation with partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Nature of Schleswig-Holstein

Name of the Organization
Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Nature of Schleswig-Holstein
Unit 12 - Development Cooperation, Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Development and International Affairs

Mercatorstraße 3
24106 Kiel

+49 431 988-7326
Description of the Organization

The State Government of Schleswig-Holstein supports development policy initiatives through, among other things, an annual financial contribution to the One-World Network (Landesnetzwerk Bündnis Eine Welt – BEI) as well as to the Promoter Program (Promotorenprogramm), whereas four positions have been created in 2012 in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Furthermore, Schleswig-Holstein works hand in hand on the basis of mutual trust with BEI within the framework of nationwide committees for development cooperation.

The Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalization (Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung - MELUR) also cooperates with the Service Agency Communities in One World (Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt) and the Lutheran-Protestant Church of Northern Germany. A high-level agreement was signed with the Church of Northern Germany. Development projects by non-governmental organizations are subsidised by BINGO, the state-owned lottery.

Beside the support of municipal and school-related North-South partnerships, MELUR prioritizes awareness-raising measures, for example in the areas of sustainable and fair procurement and Fair Trade as well as educational work within the UNESCO Global Action Prorgramme on Education for Sustainable Development. These projects are run by the Ministry, mostly in cooperation with the “Educational Centre for Nature, Environment and Rural Areas” (Bildungszentrum für Natur, Umwelt und ländliche Räume – BNUR). Global Learning
and development policy subjects are also part of educational work in schools within the framework of Schleswig-Holstein’s initiative “School of the Future.SH” (Zukunftsschule.SH). Several schools have already contributed to projects in this area.

With the aim of supporting climate protection, Schleswig-Holstein has joined the Initiative “Global Climate Leadership” in 2015. MELUR supports the cooperation between participants from the economic and academic sectors in Schleswig-Holstein, who, together with their Mexican partners, work in the field of renewable energies and climate protection within the framework of the German-Mexican Climate Alliance.

Every year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the WTSH GmbH jointly fund a training program for specialized personnel from the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

Multi-facetted cooperation with developing countries exists in the area of university research and educational work.

State Chancellery of Lower-Saxony

Name of the Organization
State Chancellery of Lower-Saxony
Department 207 International Cooperation, Development Cooperation

Planckstraße 2
30169 Hannover

+49 511 1206787
Description of the Organization

Lower Saxony is committed to a range of activities in Sub-Saharan Africa and thus assumes responsibility for sustainable global development. The aim is to learn as much as possible from and with one another in the context of a global partnership and responsibility with
cosmopolitanism and cross-cultural competence.

Lower Saxony focuses on three priority areas of development cooperation:

  1. Partnership with the Eastern Cape (South Africa) since 1995
  2. Project cooperation with Tanzania since 2010
  3. Development educational and information work

As part of the development policy information and educational work within Lower Saxony, the State Chancellery promotes the Association Development Policy Lower Saxony (Verband Entwicklungspolitik Niedersachsen e.V. - VEN). The VEN is the network of development
NGOs, initiatives and so-called One-World-Shops (Weltläden). The main focus of the VEN is the development educational and information work. The funds are directed to the implementation of „IBQ - projects“ (information, education and skills) of NGOs in Lower Saxony in the field of development cooperation.

Since 2014 Lower Saxony has been co-financing the nationwide Promoter-Program (Promotorenprogramm). The aim is to raise awareness on development issues in Lower Saxony. The continuation of the program up to 2018 has been decided upon in 2015 and the financial means are guaranteed.

As part of a special program for humanitarian aid, Lower Saxony has decided to take in 70 traumatized women and children from northern Iraq in 2015. They are victims of extreme violence by fighters of the terrorist organization Islamic State, whom Lower Saxony is going to ensure a safe stay over the next two years. The regional government has decided to allocate 1.1 million euros in 2015 and 6.8 million euros for the following years for the reception, accommodation and health care of these women and children.

2016 is planned to focus on the implementation and consolidation of the new Development Policy Guidelines and their linking with the Strategy for Sustainability of Lower Saxony, which is currently under revision. The intensified cooperation with development policy actors within the civil society - a positive effect of the process of drafting the guidelines - will be continued by, for example, giving these organizations an active part in developing the implementation strategy.

Furthermore, Lower Saxony participates in the newly established Bund-Länder-Program. With the involvement of GIZ’s office in Lower Saxony (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit) project opportunities are currently being examined and planned to be approved
by the end of January 2016.

Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Name of the Organization
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Hasselbachstraße 4
39104 Magdeburg

+49 391 567-01
Description of the Organization

Among the main activities related to development cooperation in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt are development information activities, education and publicity work, as well as the support of non-governmental development organisations (NGOs) including corresponding network structures, practiceoriented education and training of foreign specialists, as well as supporting measures for humanitarian aid.

The co-ordination of the development cooperation of Saxony-Anhalt is held by the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalisation (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung). The main development cooperation activities are rooted in the Development
Policy Guidelines, which were compiled by more than 70 development organisations, groups and associations and then adopted by the state government of Saxony-Anhalt in 2000.

Development NGOs are supported as responsible entities for measures promoting development education and information activities, educational and publicity work and support of Fair Trade in Germany as well as for projects in developing and emerging countries. Target groups are kindergartens, schools, teachers and educators. The promotion of development-related education measures in Saxony-Anhalt aims at strengthening the civil society’s understanding of and commitment to „One-World“ problems.

Besides promoting awarenessraising, the project „ Fair Saxony-Anhalt - Sustainable Procurement“ (Faires Sachsen-Anhalt - nachhaltige Beschaffung) also provided companies and administrations with necessary information about the sustainable procurement of goods. Forums for employees have been organised as well.

Apart from NGOs, the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt also closely cooperates with the GIZ GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) in many projects.

The projects supported abroad by Saxony-Anhalt aim directly at sustainable improvements of the population’s living conditions in developing and emerging countries. The guiding principle for these measures is the concept of „help for self-help“.

State Chancellery of Bavaria

Name of the Organization
State Chancellery of Bavaria
International Relation, Development Cooperation, Flight and Migration, Africa und Middle East (not including Israel)

Franz-Josef-Strauß-Ring 1
80539 München

+49 89 2165-2511
Description of the Organization

Development cooperation in the Free State of Bavaria aims at making the greatest possible contribution to the worldwide fight against poverty and to sustainable and peaceful development, as well as to international understanding. The state wants to improve the living conditions of people in developing and emerging countries and strengthen Good Governance. All this is based on the Guidelines of Development Policy Cooperation of the Free State of Bavaria which were approved on April 30th 2013 by the Government of Bavaria.

Bavaria is committed to many aspects of development cooperation and covers a lot of different topics, including Good Governance, policy and institutional consulting, sustainable economic development, climate protection, environment and energy, scientific and technological cooperation, food security and rural areas, city development and building industry as well as culture, migration and development.

The cooperation with selected countries is based on mutual partnership, it strengthens the own responsibility of the partner countries, it offers aid for self-help and ensures subsidiary and observance of international conventions and standards.

The cultivation and development of relations with partner regions of the Free State of Bavaria play a special role thanks to a high level of mutual interest for cooperation. Besides these selected partner countries, the Free State of Bavaria is open to cooperation programs with other countries.

Furthermore, the Free State of Bavaria intends to achieve a better understanding among the local population of the problems developing and emerging countries are facing, to demonstrate global connections and interdependencies as well as to contribute to sustainable development worldwide. This is why international activities are complemented by domestic activities such as development education and information in schools and extra-curricular activities, network building and cooperation with non-governmental organisations in the
“One-World” sector.

Within the Bavarian State Government, the Bavarian State Chancellery is the coordinator of development policy and, in the case of inter-departmental issues, it has the leading role. The respective government departments carry out measures on their own responsibility.

Senate Chancellery of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Name of the Organization
Senate Chancellery of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Am Markt 21
28195 Bremen

+49 421 361-4505
Description of the Organization

To take over responsibility for a sustainable development together with countries of the south and to accompany processes of the globalization, is an important part of the free Hanseatic town, Bremen. The Bremen development cooperation makes a contribution to the millennium sighting of the United Nations, to poverty fight, ecological lastingness, strengthening of the human rights and democratic structures. At the same time the development cooperation shows an important element of the international relations of Bremen and protects positive repercussions for the location.

The main focuses are:

  • Social-appropriate and environmentally sound projects
  • International qualification measures oriented to economy
  •  Developing-political work of information and educational work

Bremen promotes projects which should protect basic needs and contribute to the protection of the environment and natural resources. Besides, knowledge management and knowledge transfer as well as the support of self-help potentials are in the foreground also like participative planning processes and ecologically friendly technologies.

Bremen promotes, together with the alliance, international programs to the qualification oriented economy of professional forces and executives from countries of the south. Besides, Bremen as a partner for sustainable development introduces his competence actively and uses the contacts also for the construction more internationally of economic relations. The main emphasis form the main focus in the maritime area like decentralized harbor development, logistics and coastal zone management.

The aim of the developing-political work of information and educational work is to anchor third world aid policy socially better and to contribute to the acquisition of creation competence in a globalized world. Bremen promotes suitable programs of extracurricular educational institutions at school and NGO as a contribution to the conversion of the aims of the UN decade „education for sustainable development“.

For many years Bremen co-operates with the cities of Pune/India, Windhoek/Namibia and Durban / South Africa. Environmental protection and resource protection as well as cultural exchange play a central role in the cooperation. Since 2010 Bremen builds up with the twin town Durban topically a developing partnership for climate and resources protection. Since 2011 Bremen carries the title „Capital of fair trade“. Numerous innovative activities and the support of a big network of the most different actors serve increasingly to move the subject fair trade in the middle of the Bremen society.

Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises

Name of the Organization
Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises
State Office for Development Cooperation (LEZ)

Martin-Luther-Straße 105
10825 Berlin

+49 30 9013-7409
Description of the Organization

Think globally, act locally: This is the goal that Berlin’s Office for Development Cooperation (Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit des Landes Berlin - LEZ) aims to live up to through a variety of activities. Over 100 embassies, numerous international associations and political foundations as well as over 300 development actors make Berlin to a centre of multifaceted international knowledge and of outstanding worldwide contact and communication opportunities.

The LEZ and Berlin’s Senate are supported in their work by the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (Beirat für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit), a committee of experts in development policy. The management of project funding for Berlin’s non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is taken over by the Foundation North-South Bridges (Stiftung Nord-Süd Brücken - SNSB) on behalf of the LEZ. Civic engagement also makes an important contribution to Berlin‘s development cooperation and is largely represented and supported
through Berlin’s Development Cooperation Council (Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag – BER). BER is an important reference point for NGOs and initiates discussion processes with and within the civil society.

In June 2012, the Berlin Senate adopted the new Development Policy Guidelines. Hereby competence fields were established on which Berlin focuses its development policy. These include: development educational and information work, maintaining town partnerships,
training of specialists and managers on an international scale as well as exercising its network function as the federal capital. The new Guidelines stand for Berlin’s decision to modernize its development cooperation work. They recognize the need for a worldwide development of all states and supersede the idea of a one-sided development policy of giving and receiving. This is to be pursued through equitable international policies which equally take into consideration the responsibility towards economic weaker countries.

The Guidelines point to the inter-dependency between development cooperation and international and inter-cultural cooperation in the fields of economy, culture, education, science, public sector and migration.

Within the field of development cooperation, Berlin dedicates special attention to the development of skills in Global Learning, i.e. in understanding global inter-dependencies as well as to the promotion of Fair Trade and fair procurement. Berlin sees the main task of its commitment therefore in development education. Here, the LEZ is supported by the Development Education and Information Centre (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum e.V. - EPIZ) as well as by the Foundation North-South Bridges (SNSB). By conveying knowledge about foreign cultures and countries and clarifying the causes of negative developments in industrialized and developing countries the reputation of Berlin as a cosmopolitan and tolerant city gets consolidated.

The large number of refugees and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals create new challenges for Berlin. As a contribution to Berlin’s refugee policy, the LEZ will deal with the areas of migration, integration and welcoming culture and hence implement one of the guiding principles of the Development Policy Guidelines. To implement the Sustainable Development Goals the LEZ will develop and support initiatives.

Organizations such as the GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Engagement Global, German Institute for Development (Deutsches Institut für Entwicklung – DIE), Berlin’s Association for International Cooperation (Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH – BGZ), Seminar for Rural Development (Seminar für ländliche Entwicklung – SLE) are important partners of Berlin’s development policy. Also, close cooperation takes place with the ASA-Programme as well as the Alumni programme of the Technical
University of Berlin. Joint events are organized within forums for international exchange of experiences.

On the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung – BMZ) the federal states have initiated a “Promoter”- Program (Promotor/innen-Programm). The One-World-Promoters work within development organizations and initiatives. These experts promote global responsible thinking and acting and mobilize for more commitment to issues of sustainable development. Berlin’s Promoter-Program is coordinated by Berlin’s Development
Cooperation Council (BER) and managed by the Foundation North-South Bridges (SNSB). Currently, eight Promoters are working in the following fields of action: strengthening civic engagement, fair and sustainable economy, decolonization and anti-racism, Global
Learning, climate and resource justice as well as municipal development cooperation.

The LEZ supports a variety of NGOs developmental projects in the area of development education and information work as well as school and town partnership projects. The support of NGOs particularly enables the LEZ to shape and encourage a wide range of development education and volunteer work.

The development support of Berlin’s NGOs was very positively evaluated in 2010. To further promote their work and to gain the interest of more citizens in development policy areas, the LEZ is supporting the creation of a One World Centre (Eine-Welt-Zentrum). The project aims to become a key development site in Berlin.

In addition to national initiatives, the LEZ also promotes European projects. Between 2013 and 2015, the LEZ carried out a follow-up project of the Europe Aid award-winning „Awareness for Fairness“, which had aimed to improve the quality of Global Learning and anchor the concept in the educational landscape of the EU. The program intends to anchor developmental subjects more in school and non-school curricula as well as in teaching practices.

The implementation of the project “Global Fairness” serves LEZ’s policy objectives in development cooperation in the subject area Global Learning and strengthens Berlin’s town partnership with Prague. In the long term, the purpose is to achieve more awareness of global fairness issues and ultimately changes in consumer behavior.

In collaboration with European partners and the EPIZ e.V., Berlin promotes the cooperation of committed stakeholders and the establishment and improvement of networks in the field of sustainable development and good governance. With Berlin as lead partner and in cooperation with BGZ and EPIZ e.V., the project TriNet Global – “Local Authorities, Business Sector and Universities as Agents for Change” has been successfully implemented. The exchange of best practice and the innovative implementation of projects are supposed to strengthen sustainable development and the involvement of cities, industry and universities. Berlin’s focus within these projects were discussions and workshops on city infrastructure and its improvement on a global scale, promoting companies participation in international activities as well as the development and pilot-like implementation of learning modules for Global Learning in universities. As part of the Asia-Pacific Weeks 2015 and TriNet Global, new approaches and strategies for the implementation of Innovation Labs as a multi-stakeholder approach to development cooperation were worked on by participants in an interactive workshop.

Ministry of Finance and for Europe

Name of the Organization
Ministry of Finance and for Europe
Department for EU Policy, EU Law, Development Policy

Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107
14473 Potsdam

+49 331 866-6550
Description of the Organization

The stipulations of the constitution of Brandenburg serve as the framework of and as mandate for international cooperation, peace policy and human rights. Within the constitution, Brandenburg commits to an equal, legally binding and responsible cooperation with foreign partners in accordance with a “One-World”-policy.

Since development policy is a cross-sectional task, the government of Brandenburg relies on regional committed groups and non-governmental organizations as well as on the Association of Development NGOs in Brandenburg (Verbund entwicklungspolitischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen in Brandenburg – VENROB).

The aim of the cooperation is to raise public awareness about problems of sustainable development, to inform about global interdependencies and to point out necessary alternatives. A further aim is to foster a better understanding of Global North-South challenges and mutual tolerance. To achieve these purposes seminars, lecture series, concerts, exhibitions and publications are organized.

The responsible Ministry of Justice, Europe and Consumer Protection in Brandenburg takes on a coordinating role. On 31 May 2012, the „Development Policy Guidelines for Brandenburg“ (Entwicklungspolitische Leitlinien der Landesregierung) were agreed upon after a fruitful consultation process with the actors of Brandenburg’s development policy.

These guidelines contain:

  • the commitment of the federal state government to development policy and its integration into a general context of sustainable development
  • the constitutional regulations
  • the nationwide integration
  • the Brandenburg-specific implementation with concrete priority-setting
  • the creation of a transparent monitoring system, which should ensure that the guidelines are up-to-date in the long run
  • the Round Table for Development Policy Brandenburg (Round Table Entwicklungspolitik Brandenburg), which should help to implement a process of committed involvement, in order to firmly embed topics related to development policy into all policies of the federal state.

The government of Brandenburg considers the measures adopted through the „Development Policy Guidelines“ to be a specific contribution of Brandenburg to the recent resolutions of the Minister Presidents of the federal states and therefore to the concrete implementation of the joint responsibility regarding development policy of the German Federal Government, the federal states and BRANDENBURGthe municipalities.

The responsible Committee for European Affairs and Development Policy (Fachausschuss für Europa- und Entwicklungspolitik) within the state government of Brandenburg regularly invites non-governmental organizations and ministries for public discussions.

Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs

Name of the Organization
Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs

Schloßstraße 6 - 8
19053 Schwerin

+49 385 588-18020
Description of the Organization

The State Chancellery of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania plays the leading role in the federal states’ development cooperation activities. It coordinates the tasks of development cooperation with the participating ministries and civil society institutions. This is done primarily through the annual Round Table that brings together authorities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Special attention is given to the „Sustainable Development Goals“ adopted by the United Nations which underline the sustainability objectives of the One-World for the time between 2015 and 2030.

Since 2014, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has been co-financing the Promoter-Program (Promotorenprogramm). Five field and regional Promoter positions have been created for this purpose. They contribute to an enhanced understanding of democracy, human rights and social diversity and deal with issues of the One-World.

Another pillar of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s development cooperation is the often voluntary work of NGOs. Many initiatives of development cooperation have joined forces in the One-World Network (Eine-Welt-Landesnetzwerk). The Network addresses them through the annual “Development Policy Days in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania” (Entwicklungspolitische Tage Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - since November 2017 called „weltwechsel“), through educational projects of One-World groups as well as the numerous activities on Fair Trade (

Since 2001, surpluses of the state-owned Bingo lottery of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been utilized to support NGOs. The money is allocated to the North German Foundation for Environment and Development (Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung – NUE), which uses the funds for the promotion of environmental and nature conservation projects as well as development aid projects.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is an active member of the North-German Partnership (Norddeutsche Partnerschaft – NUN). Within the framework of UNESCO‘s Global Programme of Action 2015 - 2019 the states of Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein agreed to continue their existing collaboration. The focus is on the qualification and certification of training providers in the field of non-formal education for sustainable development. In this case, the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania assumes the coordinating role.