OSZEE - Oberstufenzentrum Elbe-Elster
Feldstraße 7a
04910 Elsterwerda
Feldstraße 7a
04910 Elsterwerda
Postfach 1633, 55209 Ingelheim
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 61
55218 Ingelheim
Senckenbergstraße 3
35390 Gießen
Since 1999, the ZEU has been active as an interdisciplinary institution of research of the Justus-Liebig-University, transcending faculties in the process of its work. At present, the disciplines of Agricultural und Food, Geography, Environmental Safety, as well as the disciplines of Law, Political Science and Economics are involved in the ZEU. Research is mainly financed through third-party funds.
The fact that the ZEU's subjects and contents concentrate on the topics of environment and development owes to the idea that issues of development and environment are usually interdependent, and should therefore be examined through faculty transcending research.
This basic idea is supported by the research potential of Giessen University. Developmental as well as environmental research is conducted in a variety of institutes which perform their work in many different countries and, partly, in international comparative studies regarding one or even both topics.
A major task of the ZEU is to use this potential effectively and to fill a gap in the market of international research with the comparative advantages arising through the Center's activities.
The importance of interdisciplinarity for the ZEU is mirrored in its organisational structure: it is made up of the four sections
A regional specialisation is not intended.
Kaiserswerther Straße 16/18
14195 Berlin
Department of Educational Futures Studies
Kronenstrasse 1
10117 Berlin
August-Bebel-Straße 26-52
14482 Potsdam
Steinstraße 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg
Langer Grabenweg 68
53175 Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Rissener Landstraße 193
22559 Hamburg