earthlink – people & nature network
Frohschammerstraße 14
80807 München
+49 89 35652102
Description of the Organization
With partners around the globe, earthlink specifically works for harmony between man and nature. Together with the local population, we create strategies and methods to improve the living conditions of the poor and to protect the environment. earthlink maintains socially sustainable and nature-friendly development in the context of concrete projects on site through public relations in Germany and Europe and through global networks. The involvement of locals is an important aspect for ensuring long-term success.
Themes of the organization
- Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21
- Labour/labour rights
- Poverty
- Development policy
- Development education
- Development cooperation
- Fair trade
- Refuge and Asylum
- Peace/conflict
- Global learning/global education
- Indigenous groups/indigenous movement
- Children/Rights of children
- Sustainable development
- Rain forest
- Environment