NGO People and Water
Čermeľská cesta 24
040 01 Košice
Čermeľská cesta 24
040 01 Košice
Thorncastle Street, Ringsend
2nd Floor, Portview House
Dublin 4
Gaußstraße 19 c
22765 Hamburg
The Open School 21 offers students in and around Hamburg (Germany) a broad program for global education. It aims to raise their awareness of global correlations and realities. At the same time concrete options for action are created for and together with students that enable them to make a self-determined contribution to a sustainable development and more global justice. In the Open School there is the experience that one can make an important contribution to justice, environmental protection, peacekeeping as well as poverty reduction by oneself and that success in these areas is possible.
Open School 21 offers about 40 different workshops, project days, city walks and harbor tours on request. Topics of the Open School are globalization, human rights, poverty reduction, world agricultural trade, climatic change, flight and migration, fair trade, sustainable
consumption, child labor, colonial history as well as living conditions and environments in different countries.
The program of The Open School 21 is directed to school students from every grade and school form. The activities take place at the harbor, in different parts of the city, in the education center “Werkstatt 3” or in one’s own school.
The events are held by self-employed experts with abroad and migration experiences that come from the field of development cooperation, arts and science. For teachers, the Open School 21 offers consultation for global education, support for day-projects as well as materials for preparation and follow-up of events.
Vilbeler Str. 36
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Archivstraße 2
30169 Hannover
Kaiser Friedrich Straße 13
53113 Bonn
Obere Wilhelmstraße 32
53225 Bonn
Türkenstr. 3
A 1090 Wien
Sensengasse 3
1090 Wien
Baobab - Learning opens worlds
Baobab is a library and place for education and consultations and focuses on educators and their practice. As an independent non-profit organisation, Baobab promotes knowledge and education about global interconnections, social justice and sustainable development and supports educators in their educational work in a diverse and multilingual society.
Baobab's library offers over 8,000 educational materials, films, children's books, games and online resources on global connections, diversity and sustainable development. The offer is aimed at kindergartens, schools and the extracurricular sector.
Baobab is part of the C3 - Centre for International Development.
Greifswalder Straße 4
10405 Berlin