CBSS - Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat
Momma Reenstiernas Palats, Wollmar
Yxkullsgatan 23
118 50 Stockholm
Momma Reenstiernas Palats, Wollmar
Yxkullsgatan 23
118 50 Stockholm
Aston Street
B4 7ET
United Kingdom
Dimokritou 6 & Germanikis Scholis Athinon
151 23 Maroussi
Our school has been in existence since 1896, making it one of the oldest German schools abroad in the world. It is a public school supported by Germany both financially and in terms of staff, and is committed to teaching the German and Greek languages and German and Greek educational values.
The DSA is a school and meeting place for Greeks, Germans living in Athens, Austrians and Swiss, for bicultural families and for all those who have a special interest in the German language and culture.
The DSA offers its graduates access to colleges, universities and apprenticeships through recognised school-leaving qualifications.
For us, the students are the centre of attention. They can live and learn under "one roof" at the DSA from kindergarten to graduation. In doing so, it is a fundamental concern of ours to educate them to become independent personalities.
To this end, teachers from all areas (kindergarten, preschool, primary school, secondary school I - II) and all staff work together.
Dechenstraße 2
53115 Bonn
Forum for International Dialogue
Unter den Linden 78
10117 Berlin
Schwarzenbergplatz 11
A-1040 Wien
Schumannstrasse 34
66111 Saarbrücken
FAIR for all generations FAIR education - Our campaigns are aimed at schools, kindergartens and day-care centres (Kitas), extracurricular actors in the greater Saarbrücken area and Saarland University. Several "Fair Kitas", "Fairtrade Schools" and "Fairtrade Universities" from the greater Saarbrücken area have already been awarded. School classes and courses from the Saarbrücken region have already received the award "Fair School Class - Fair Trade Class" more than 100 times. Through our young "Fair Trade Ambassadors" as multipliers and through our wide-ranging commitment, we reach a broad public. The guiding principle of our network is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
Feldstraße 7a
04910 Elsterwerda
Sensengasse 3
1090 Wien
Information Work with Women in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 Kopenhagen K