pewobe Gemeinnützige Soziale Betreuungsgesellschaft mbH in Frankfurt (Oder)
Große Oderstraße 29
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Große Oderstraße 29
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Albertus-Magnus-Straße 39
Postfach 20 09 53, 53139 Bonn
53177 Bonn
One World work, World Church theology, intercultural communication and conflict management are the areas in which many committed people have taken seminars and continuing education courses at our head mission office for more than ten years now.
Process-Oriented Themes
The process-oriented themes are related in an interactive process involving participants and partners as well as experts in the head mission office: from Dialog Lernen (learning the dialog - 1992), Nachhaltige Solidarität (sustainable solidarity- 1995), and Neue Nachbarschaften (new neighbors - 1999), to today's main focus on Differenzen und Allianzen (differences and alliances) as well as Solidarkompetenz (solidarity competence).
Within the framework of the 'A Soul for Europe' program, the 'Ecumenical Village' (Graz, 1997) and 'Neue Modelle von Solidarität im heutigen Europa lehren und lernen' (teaching and learning new models of solidarity in today's Europe) 2000/2001, have represented important contributions.
These programs have been and continue to be supported by the European Union as well as church and state authorities.
Solidarity workshops represent high-quality continuing education measures for students of social and educational professions, members of social groups and programs focus on:
Agenda 2000
the monitoring of the financial markets (ATTAC)
One World
minority problems
topics on environmental/ecological sustainability
the gender issue
in Central Europe (at present Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, the Netherlands, and Germany).
Members of social movements and the movements for the landless, women, Blacks and the indigenous people participate from Brazil and India. Training for solidarity competence deals with solidarity in the political domain, professionalism and personality, differences and conflicts, and of boundaries and culture.
Target groups are:
returnees from Third World countries
committed individuals in the area of solidarity work
training groups such as university seminars and
training for pastors and deacons.
Bremer Straße 3
21073 Hamburg
Kernerplatz 9
70182 Stuttgart
Via Messina 15
00198 Rom RM
Tiigi 8–24
51003 Tartu
Archivstraße 2
30169 Hannover
Frauenlobstraße 59-61
55118 Mainz
Kaiser Friedrich Straße 13
53113 Bonn
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 72/1.5
1040 Wien
The Climate Alliance is a global partnership between more than 1,500 European cites and the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest area for the protection of the world's climate. In Austria, all of the federal states and more than 530 cities are involved. They have volunteered to commit themselves to reduce their CO2 emissions by half by the year 2010, and they are also supporting their partners in the Amazon region in their work to preserve the rainforest. 200 companies and over 70 schools are also members of the alliance. Apart from ecologocal aspects, the Austrian Climate Alliance is also aware of social interactions such as the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities.