Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Bremen
Birkenstrasse 20/21
28195 Bremen
Birkenstrasse 20/21
28195 Bremen
Mittlere Bleiche 61
55116 Mainz
Jenaer Straße 2/4
99425 Weimar
Weimar stands for art and culture, classicism and the modern age, cosmopolitan attitudes and nationalism, democracy and forced labour, even genocide. Weimar is a town of European importance. Our centre is situated in a small park in the centre of Weimar. The European Youth Education and Meeting Centre (EJBW) is an institution for political education, intercultural learning as well as theatre and pedagogical work. We invite children, young people and multipliers from Weimar, Thuringia, Germany and all over the world to come to our - national and international - seminars. Our centre is available to you for co-operation or just as a guest house. Creative thinking, independent judgement, solidarity and responsible action - these are the aims of our educational work.
Vicolo San Marco, 1
38122 Trento
Sveavägen 68, 5 tr
Postadress: Box 836
101 36 Stockholm
The Palme Center was founded in 1992 by the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Swedish Cooperative Union and has currently 29 member organisations from the Swedish labour movement. The board is chaired by Ingvar Carlsson, previously Prime Minister. Operations are led by Secretary General Thomas Hammarberg and Carin Jämtin heads development cooperation activities. The Palme Center runs extensive meeting and seminar activities, which together with the web service and a magazine form a broad opinion-moulding platform. Each year the Palmecenter and its member organisations work with almost 200 projects. These deal with everything from adult education to human rights, democracy and reconciliation.
Obere Wilhelmstraße 32
53225 Bonn
Weberstraße 118
53113 Bonn
Spiegelgasse 3/2/7
A-1010 Wien
Robert-Schuman-Straße 20
69207 Sandhausen
Since 2010, Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V. promotes miscellaneous education projects with various focus in north and central Malawi.
Beethovenstr. 33
14513 Teltow