
Brighton Peace and Environment Centre

Name of the Organization
Brighton Peace and Environment Centre

39 - 41 Surrey Street
United Kingdom

0044 (0)1273 766611
Description of the Organization

As Development Education Centre we aim to raise awareness of peace and environment related issues through information and education.

Themes of the organization

W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Name of the Organization
W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Nernstweg 32-34
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 39033-65
Description of the Organization

The W3_ is an educational and cultural center around global justice. It offers a platform for encounters and exchange and, with its diverse program of events, encourages critical questioning of social conditions. It invites to inspiration, to experience, to reflection and to common action for a global and local justice.

With lectures, workshops, conferences, symposia, readings, performances as well as film screenings and actions, W3_ establishes the connection between local politics and global developments in series of events, projects as well as individual and cooperative events and motivates people to get involved. With dialogue-oriented/participative formats such as performances and actions in public space, spontaneous interactions with residents of the district are realized, which actively call for participation.

It is important to W3_ to focus on less present voices and alternative perspectives, to make them audible and visible, and to think and link local and global dimensions together. The goal is always to make people think, to provide inspiration and ideas for their own everyday lives, and to show options for action.

Verlag an der Ruhr

Name of the Organization
Verlag an der Ruhr

Wilhelmstraße 20
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr

+49 208 4395450
Description of the Organization

We are a publishing house consisting of teachers publishing for teachers with the objective of helping with problems concerning school and youth work, e.g.:

  • Implementing curricula into everyday teaching. With concise and well organised material for further education, practical experience and training in methodology, we hope to provide complementary information     that is not covered by traditional school-books
  • Excessive workload: By providing school material that can be implemented instantly, we try to make sure teaching and engaging in youth work remains feasible
  • Problems affecting schools from the outside, like violence or lack of prospects

We develop feasible concepts for the benefit of all those involved.

(wlp)° - the world lecture project

Name of the Organization
(wlp)° - the world lecture project

Reichenberger Straße 98
10999 Berlin

+49 30 69519044
Description of the Organization

(wlp)° - the world lecture project is an online library for video lectures in any language and of any faculty from all over the world. The project is collecting all links to video lectures and their meta data in one freely accessible database. A search engine helps the users to find the lecture of their choice easily. They can search lectures according to various criteria: theme, faculty, country, language and others. Everyone can contribute to broadening (wlp)°'s lecture fund. Once registered it is easy to put new lectures onto the data base or to complete the data of the lectures that are already available. (wlp)° is looking for partners across the globe who contribute in facilitating the exchange and the access of knowledge for everyone – everywhere. The World Academy of Young Scientists (WAYS) and Young-People Platform in Agricultural Research (YPARD) for Development are already collaborating with (wlp)°.

iz3w - Aktion Dritte Welt e. V. / iz3w

Name of the Organization
iz3w - Aktion Dritte Welt e. V. / iz3w

Kronenstraße 16a
79100 Freiburg

+49 761 74003
Description of the Organization

The abbreviation iz3w stands for "information center 3. world" in Freiburg. The most important feature of our work is the publication of the magazine iz3w.

We also maintain an extensive archive for magazines and newspapers, open to the general public. Apart from this we occasionally publish documentations and books.

The focal point of our work is the magazine iz3w. Since 1970 the iz3w is one of the most important independent magazines catering to north-south themes in the German speaking world. In our eight editions yearly, we deal with various topics ranging from globalization – migration and racism, development politics and theory, ecology and media, literature, sport and music as well as with social movements. These and many other issues are analysed in light of the north-south relations, which still remain the central issue for political, economic and cultural developments in spite of the shifts in recent times.

The iz3w makes no claim towards being a neutral source of information and analysis of world happenings. We are more inclined towards a critical approach of the "new world order", which in our opinion is not
entirely for the betterment of all. A world, which has an abundance of material possibilities to guarantee a decent living for all, instead of which we have a world where billions are forced to live in poverty & suppression.


Name of the Organization

Monbijoustraße 31
3011 Bern

+41 31 3210021
Description of the Organization

We support teachers in Switzerland at all levels in their daily work by giving them impulses for their lessons which are directed towards a viable development in a global society. We sell and lend over 800 tried and tested teaching aids in German, French and Italian language. We provide teacher training. We inform and advise with relation to Global Education. We are part of a network of national and international organisations having similar aims.


Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.

Name of the Organization
Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.

Robert-Schuman-Straße 20
69207 Sandhausen

+49 177 6990 962
Description of the Organization

Since 2010, Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.  promotes miscellaneous education projects with various focus in north and central Malawi.

Bund für Bildung - Confederation for education

Name of the Organization
Bund für Bildung - Confederation for education
Globales Lernen

Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin

+49 1734683505
Description of the Organization

The non-profit association "Bund für Bildung" translates socially relevant issues into educational projects. The focus is on issues of inclusion, participation and democracy.

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg
Globales Lernen

Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam

+49 331 74780-31
Description of the Organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg - is a non-profit organization based in Potsdam. We manage six "Regionale Büros für Integration und Toleranz" (BIT) (regional offices for integration and open-mindedness) and four other offices as well as regional and local projects. In 2004, we established "Globales Lernen/Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (global learning and cooperation for development). For us, global learning is about raising awareness of the world as a whole, of interrelations between North and South, and about relating our everyday life to the lives of people in developing countries. RAA is involved in an enormous variety of development-policy projects. We offer working groups, workshops, and training for teaching staff, and support schools in organizing workshops for students. Long-term projects include supporting school partnerships between schools in Brandenburg and schools in Senegal, Zanzibar/Tanzania and Angola, as well as smaller-scale initiatives. "Begegnungen mit Sansibar" (meeting Zanzibar) is a project that combines education and cooperation for development. Since 1992, more than 160 adolescents and teachers have been given the chance to gain deep insights into another culture and to help promote interactions between Germany and Tanzania, and more will follow. The project in Zanzibar encourages participants to closely examine both the foreign culture and their own. It includes such diverse activities as the building of classrooms, theater projects, thematic research, workshops, seminars and continuous education for teachers. In Germany, the results of this work are available as educational materials, thus enabling our partners from Tanzania to present their life and their views in Brandenburg. In addition, RAA is in charge of organizing and holding the "Brandenburger entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage" (Brandenburg educational and informational days on development aid) as well as the education program of the 'Berlin Import Shop' fair.