Council of Europe
Rua do São Caetano, 32
1200-829 Lissabon
Rua do São Caetano, 32
1200-829 Lissabon
Glogauer Straße 21
10999 Berlin
IJGD stands for International Youth Community Services. It is a non-profit organisation working in the field of international youth work and political education. Since 1949, IJGD has been active throughout Germany as an organisation independent from any religious or political party and recognised by the state authorities. The aim of IJGD is to forward young people's awareness of social conditions and to support the development of a feeling of social responsibility. The work of IJGD thus includes the promotion of international understanding and the reduction of prejudice between people of different nations, social backgrounds, religions and political ideas. We organise workcamps, international youth meetings, youth holiday periods in Germany, Europe and overseas as well as different trainings and seminars as further education.
In addition, IJGD is in charge of different long-term voluntary services such as the voluntary social service (FSJ), the voluntary ecological service (FÖJ) and the voluntary heritage service (FJD).
The Berlin part of IJGD, IJGD LV Berlin, has a specific focus on intercultural and inter-generation projects. In the field of the European Voluntary Service (EVS), IJGD Berlin is involved as a sending and hosting organisation. As part of our pilote project ‘voluntary services in socially deprived areas', ijgd Berlin has a growing number of EVS-placements in Berlin in socially deprived areas. This pilote project aims to further social inclusion, intercultural learning and to support small non-profit organisations and initiatives. As a sending organisation we send young German volunteers from Berlin and ist surroundings for longterm voluntary services to Europe in the frame work of EVS.
IJGD Berlin also organises midterm voluntary services in Africa, Asia and Latinamerika.
Steinstraße 5-7
20095 Hamburg
MyGermanUniversity is a platform that helps international students on their way to studying at a German university, free of charge, through:
Str. Roman Ciorogariu nr. 24
410017 Oradea
Krtsanisi I tup. N.3
0114 Tbilisi
Foundation Caucasus Environment (FCE) is founded in 1998 in Georgia. FCE is a nongovernmental, nonprofit public organization with professional staff on environment and education. The organization is oriented on sustainable development and social issues and its activities cover the Caucasus region. At the same time FCE is a member of several international networks, just like the National Platform of Eastern Partnership in Georgia and acts as a coordinator of Working Group 3 of this platform:
Moreover FCE is a member of the big international network Women in Europe for common Future (WECF) WECF Furthermore FCE coordinates the Global Education Week (GEW) of the network of North-South Centre (NSC) of Council of Europe
The organization holds the GEW once a year in Georgia. The Global Education program in Georgia is updated every year according to the themes and comments which are developed at the GEW seminars. These seminars are organized by the NSC of the Council of Europe with participation of all national coordinators of GEW network. The organization’s target groups are schoolchildren and teachers, university students, lecturers, women groups, refugees and Itinerary Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the conflict areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The permanent staff of FCE is 7 person and about 50 volunteers (students, schoolchildren and teachers, women groups, farmers, fishermen scientists, etc). Donors of the granted projects are EU, USAID, Eurasia Foundation, different countries' embassies in Georgia, among others.
Some recent implemented projects are:
Linienstraße 151
10115 Berlin
Students from over 120 different nations, aged 16 to 19, selected exclusively on the basis of aptitude (talent, commitment, motivation), live and learn together at one of the thirteen United World Colleges for the last two school years until they graduate from high school. The colleges are located in Wales, Norway, Italy, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, the Netherlands, Swaziland, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Internationales Haus Sonnenberg
Clausthaler Straße 11
37444 St. Andreasberg
The Sonnenberg-Kreis e. V. is an independent provider of international youth, adult and family education in Europe and is recognised as a non-profit organisation. The protection of human rights, peace, solidarity and social responsibility are important goals of its work. The Sonnenberg Circle has about 1700 members in Germany; there are another 24 partners abroad. Conference guests of different national and social origins and world views are informed about educational and social problems, the world of work and leisure, the economy and the environment, about current and historical topics and are encouraged to get involved in society. The diversity of methods and the participants' own work are special features.
The house is also open to anyone who would like to hold their own seminar. If desired, the team of educators can also provide support.
Monbijoustraße 31
3011 Bern
We support teachers in Switzerland at all levels in their daily work by giving them impulses for their lessons which are directed towards a viable development in a global society. We sell and lend over 800 tried and tested teaching aids in German, French and Italian language. We provide teacher training. We inform and advise with relation to Global Education. We are part of a network of national and international organisations having similar aims.
Große Oderstraße 29
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Buconjiceva 4
10000 Zagreb
Nektarina Non Profit is international non-profit organization dedicated to educating, connecting and inspiring people to care about their communities and their environment. Our work focuses on education in the following areas:
Countries we are active in:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UN Resolution 1244), Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine