Monbijoustraße 31
3011 Bern
+41 31 3210021
Description of the Organization
We support teachers in Switzerland at all levels in their daily work by giving them impulses for their lessons which are directed towards a viable development in a global society. We sell and lend over 800 tried and tested teaching aids in German, French and Italian language. We provide teacher training. We inform and advise with relation to Global Education. We are part of a network of national and international organisations having similar aims.
Themes of the organization
- Afro Americans
- Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21
- Agrarian reform
- Alfabetisation
- Labour/labour rights
- Poverty
- Foreign depts
- Population/ population politics
- Education
- Democracy
- Discrimination
- Drugs/drug traffic
- Development policy
- Development education
- Development cooperation
- Nutrition/undernutrition/hunger
- Renewable energies
- Fair trade
- Refuge and Asylum
- Women
- Peace/conflict
- Justice
- Health
- Global learning/global education
- Globalization
- Indigenous groups/indigenous movement
- Integration/Migration
- Inter-/multiculturalism
- Inter/transnational corporations
- International organizations
- Islam
- Youth
- Emergency aid/humanitarian aid
- Children/Rights of children
- Climate
- Colonialism
- Culture
- Art
- Migration from rural to urban areas
- Land rights
- Agriculture
- Literature
- Media
- Human rights
- Minorities
- Sustainable development
- North-South-Relations
- Participation
- Racism
- Rain forest
- Religion
- Resources
- Armament
- School partnerships
- Slavery
- Social Policy
- Citizenship
- Tourism
- Environment
- Mobility
- Forced displacement
- International law
- Water
- World economic relations
- Civil society
Partner countries
- Afghanistan
- Egypt
- Albania
- Algeria
- American Samoa
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Equatorial Guinea
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Ethiopia
- Australia
- "Bahamas, The"
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belize
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Chile
- China
- Costa Rica
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Ivory Coast
- El Salvador
- Eritrea
- Falkland Islands
- Fiji Islands
- French Guiana
- French Polynesia
- Gabon
- "Gambia, The"
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Grenada
- Greenland
- Guadeloupe
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Iceland
- Israel
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Yemen
- Jordan
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Cape Verde
- Kazakhstan
- Qatar
- Kenya
- Kyrgyzstan
- Colombia
- Comoros
- "Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
- "Congo, Republic of the"
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lesotho
- Lebanon
- Liberia
- Libya
- Macau
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Morocco
- Martinique
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Macedonia
- Mexico
- "Micronesia, Federated States of"
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Montserrat
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Netherlands Antilles
- Niger
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Rwanda
- Romania
- Russia
- Zambia
- Samoa
- Sao Tomé and Principe
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Zimbabwe
- Singapore
- Somalia
- Svalbard
- Sri Lanka
- St. Helena
- South Africa
- Sudan
- South Korea
- Swaziland
- Syria
- Tajikistan
- Taipei
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Chad
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- United Arab Emirates
- Vietnam
- Belarus
- Central African Republic