Development cooperation

Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Name of the Organization
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Hasselbachstraße 4
39104 Magdeburg

+49 391 567-01
Description of the Organization

Among the main activities related to development cooperation in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt are development information activities, education and publicity work, as well as the support of non-governmental development organisations (NGOs) including corresponding network structures, practiceoriented education and training of foreign specialists, as well as supporting measures for humanitarian aid.

The co-ordination of the development cooperation of Saxony-Anhalt is held by the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalisation (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung). The main development cooperation activities are rooted in the Development
Policy Guidelines, which were compiled by more than 70 development organisations, groups and associations and then adopted by the state government of Saxony-Anhalt in 2000.

Development NGOs are supported as responsible entities for measures promoting development education and information activities, educational and publicity work and support of Fair Trade in Germany as well as for projects in developing and emerging countries. Target groups are kindergartens, schools, teachers and educators. The promotion of development-related education measures in Saxony-Anhalt aims at strengthening the civil society’s understanding of and commitment to „One-World“ problems.

Besides promoting awarenessraising, the project „ Fair Saxony-Anhalt - Sustainable Procurement“ (Faires Sachsen-Anhalt - nachhaltige Beschaffung) also provided companies and administrations with necessary information about the sustainable procurement of goods. Forums for employees have been organised as well.

Apart from NGOs, the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt also closely cooperates with the GIZ GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) in many projects.

The projects supported abroad by Saxony-Anhalt aim directly at sustainable improvements of the population’s living conditions in developing and emerging countries. The guiding principle for these measures is the concept of „help for self-help“.

Office of information Nicaragua

Name of the Organization
Office of information Nicaragua

Deweerthstraße 8
42107 Wuppertal

+49 202 300030
Description of the Organization

The office of information Nicaragua is one of the oldest organizations of the Nicaraguan solidarity movement. The history of the office of information was until the 90s closely related with the economyof the solidarity movement to Central America and especially to Nicaragua. Today our work concentrates on the area of development education  and information for Latin America and on thecooperation and support of base initiatives in Nicaragua. We provide information, publish publications, provide educational materials, maintain a third world archive, mediate examiners, organize visits with Latin-American activists and organize actions, series of events, school workshops and seminars. Within the framework of several projects educational materials were developed on subjects like economy, migration, climate change and environmental justice, human rights and social movements as well as colonialism and racism. Besides the educational materials we also offer disseminator courses. For several years we also offer successful workshops on the above mentioned subjects for young people . We use interactive and participative exercises of global learning, so that young people can approach appropriately to the subject of the workshops. Moreover we refer to the interests and experiences of the participants and put a main focus on the learning. Our work focuses on fun, the connections with the life and reality of young people, reflection as well as the ability to own judgment and action.

KED - Development Service of the North-Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Name of the Organization
KED - Development Service of the North-Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Wichmannstraße 4 | Haus 10 Nord
22607 Hamburg

+49 40 30620 1531
Description of the Organization

The north church promotes, the church overseas development service, projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In this way making a contribution to more global justice is shown. At the same time the church wants to promote a critical understanding for the global, economic, social, political and ecological influences that shape our lives. The educational offer of the church overseas development service has the aim to understand the interconnection among our own life and of people all over the world. Together with others the church wants to create a worldwide social change through the communication of abilities, settings and values. We want to connect people and promote their engagement supporting a fairer and more sustainable world. Our aid programs are available for church and non-church groups and initiatives in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. Every two years the north church announces the "one world price". This price honors initiatives, groups, church municipalities or individuals for their engagement. The theological bases, definitions, structures and quality criterions of the educational work are summarized in the concept for the development educational work of the north church.

Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Nature of Schleswig-Holstein

Name of the Organization
Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Nature of Schleswig-Holstein
Unit 12 - Development Cooperation, Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Development and International Affairs

Mercatorstraße 3
24106 Kiel

+49 431 988-7326
Description of the Organization

The State Government of Schleswig-Holstein supports development policy initiatives through, among other things, an annual financial contribution to the One-World Network (Landesnetzwerk Bündnis Eine Welt – BEI) as well as to the Promoter Program (Promotorenprogramm), whereas four positions have been created in 2012 in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Furthermore, Schleswig-Holstein works hand in hand on the basis of mutual trust with BEI within the framework of nationwide committees for development cooperation.

The Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalization (Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung - MELUR) also cooperates with the Service Agency Communities in One World (Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt) and the Lutheran-Protestant Church of Northern Germany. A high-level agreement was signed with the Church of Northern Germany. Development projects by non-governmental organizations are subsidised by BINGO, the state-owned lottery.

Beside the support of municipal and school-related North-South partnerships, MELUR prioritizes awareness-raising measures, for example in the areas of sustainable and fair procurement and Fair Trade as well as educational work within the UNESCO Global Action Prorgramme on Education for Sustainable Development. These projects are run by the Ministry, mostly in cooperation with the “Educational Centre for Nature, Environment and Rural Areas” (Bildungszentrum für Natur, Umwelt und ländliche Räume – BNUR). Global Learning
and development policy subjects are also part of educational work in schools within the framework of Schleswig-Holstein’s initiative “School of the Future.SH” (Zukunftsschule.SH). Several schools have already contributed to projects in this area.

With the aim of supporting climate protection, Schleswig-Holstein has joined the Initiative “Global Climate Leadership” in 2015. MELUR supports the cooperation between participants from the economic and academic sectors in Schleswig-Holstein, who, together with their Mexican partners, work in the field of renewable energies and climate protection within the framework of the German-Mexican Climate Alliance.

Every year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the WTSH GmbH jointly fund a training program for specialized personnel from the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

Multi-facetted cooperation with developing countries exists in the area of university research and educational work.

WFD - Weltfriedensdienst Association

Name of the Organization
WFD - Weltfriedensdienst Association

Am Borsigturm 9
13507 Berlin

+49 30 253990-0
Description of the Organization

Weltfriedensdienst (WFD) is a development policy-related organisation headquartered in Berlin. It was founded in 1959, when the German federal government started its rearmament again, ten years after the ending of world war two. Weltfriedensdienst commit itself to reconciliation work in countries that had been victims of German fascism and in believe that there is only a way to peace with less weapons in the world. In the 1960s, WFD started to focus also on countries of the South. Since 1971, WFD has been one of six development services approved by the German federal government. Trained development and peace workers have been supporting grassroots initiatives in Africa, Latin America and Palestine.

Focal points of the collaboration with partners in the South are the advancement of women, professional training, environment protection and resource conservation, as well as civil peace service. In terms of collaboration, one of WFD's main concerns is to develop a sense of partnership with grassroots initiatives and NGOs.

In Germany, WFD raises awareness of problems in the South and helps to overcome prejudices by promoting several projects and by concentrating on development policy-related work in the areas of lobbying, education and public relations. The peaceXchange project that was running in Germany is one example of WFD's EU awareness work. It was designed to raise awareness of ways of achieving non-violent conflict resolution that have been developed in countries of the South. This three-year project, in collaboration with Austrian, Czech and Polish partners, mainly addressed young people. Currently WFD starts a new EU and also EU supported project "Global Generation" in collaboration with Hungarian and Austrian partners. This time it will take place not only in Germany, but also in the other project countries. In Germany, Weltfriedensdienst also focus on promoting partnership projects. A total of 60 partnerships support projects in Africa, Latin America and Palestine through various campaigns. Further advancement of WFD's work would not be possible without the dedicated volunteers, as members and partners of WFD who are on the board, work on the advisory committees of individual projects and in various project teams. Passive members, who cannot work actively for the association, but wish to support WFD financially, are also welcome and needed. Without their financial support many projects were not possible.

WFD promotes development policy-related campaigns and is part of a greater network. Accordingly, WFD is a member of VENRO, AGDF, AKLHÜ, Action against AIDS Germany, BER e.V. and Attac Deutschland.

WEED - World Economy, Ecology and Development

Name of the Organization
WEED - World Economy, Ecology and Development

Eldenaer Straße 60
10247 Berlin

+49 30 27582163
Description of the Organization

WEED is an independent NGO and was founded in 1990. Our goal is to create more awareness in Germany for the causes of worldwide poverty and environmental problems. WEED is committed to national and international networks and unites organisations and initiatives in the North and South.

Our focus is on:

  • international indebtedness, debt clearance initiatives and Germany's role in this context;
  • politics, projects and programmes of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank;
  • reforming and democratizing the international financial markets;
  • international trade policy and WTO (World Trade Organisation);
  • the North-South policy of the European Union, and international environmental and development policy

WEED performs research, collects background material, and writes working papers, including for example, the WEED-Schuldenreport (the Weed debt report) that is published on a regular basis and provides information on indebtedness. WEED runs campaigns, talks to political decision-makers and intervenes in political decision-making processes. WEED wants to draw attention to these problems by organizing seminars, workshops and conferences, by collaborating with the media and through public relations. WEED works together with national and international NGOs, and supports and completes the work of other environmental and developmental organisations.

CIR - Christian Initiative Romero

Name of the Organization
CIR - Christian Initiative Romero

Schillerstraße 44a
48155 Münster

+49 251 674413-0
Description of the Organization

Injustice calls for resistance – justice calls for support

The Christian Initiative Romero (CIR) was established 25 years ago as a means to express Christian solidarity with the Central American liberation movements in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. In 1985 the organization took on the name of San Salvador's assassinated archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, because he is a symbol for Central America. He combined the struggle for Human Rights with the fight against poverty. In memory of Oscar A. Romero we are pursuing social and political justice.

The conflicts in Central America have been resolved, democratization is increasingly catching on, and yet the social problems have not come closer to any kind of solution. It is more important now than ever before to show solidarity with the poor majority of people, but it has become more difficult to identify specific approaches. This is why the CIR has shifted its approach from specialized programs for every single country to more subject-oriented work. Instead of focusing on the current situation in Guatemala, El Salvador or Nicaragua the emphasis is mainly set on general topics concerning all countries, such as the rights of child laborers, the modern theology of deliverance, the impacts of globalization and the working conditions in the clothing industry.

Due to the small number of our very specialized staff, we are able to cooperate with organizations based mainly in Central America and give fast support easily.

Using the example of individual projects, we introduce the public to more general problems affecting specific countries. We are concerned to show how our society has an impact on the lives of people in project countries. In our subject-oriented campaign work we point out how you can help the disadvantaged in Central America.