Development cooperation

State Chancellery of Lower-Saxony

Name of the Organization
State Chancellery of Lower-Saxony
Department 207 International Cooperation, Development Cooperation

Planckstraße 2
30169 Hannover

+49 511 1206787
Description of the Organization

Lower Saxony is committed to a range of activities in Sub-Saharan Africa and thus assumes responsibility for sustainable global development. The aim is to learn as much as possible from and with one another in the context of a global partnership and responsibility with
cosmopolitanism and cross-cultural competence.

Lower Saxony focuses on three priority areas of development cooperation:

  1. Partnership with the Eastern Cape (South Africa) since 1995
  2. Project cooperation with Tanzania since 2010
  3. Development educational and information work

As part of the development policy information and educational work within Lower Saxony, the State Chancellery promotes the Association Development Policy Lower Saxony (Verband Entwicklungspolitik Niedersachsen e.V. - VEN). The VEN is the network of development
NGOs, initiatives and so-called One-World-Shops (Weltläden). The main focus of the VEN is the development educational and information work. The funds are directed to the implementation of „IBQ - projects“ (information, education and skills) of NGOs in Lower Saxony in the field of development cooperation.

Since 2014 Lower Saxony has been co-financing the nationwide Promoter-Program (Promotorenprogramm). The aim is to raise awareness on development issues in Lower Saxony. The continuation of the program up to 2018 has been decided upon in 2015 and the financial means are guaranteed.

As part of a special program for humanitarian aid, Lower Saxony has decided to take in 70 traumatized women and children from northern Iraq in 2015. They are victims of extreme violence by fighters of the terrorist organization Islamic State, whom Lower Saxony is going to ensure a safe stay over the next two years. The regional government has decided to allocate 1.1 million euros in 2015 and 6.8 million euros for the following years for the reception, accommodation and health care of these women and children.

2016 is planned to focus on the implementation and consolidation of the new Development Policy Guidelines and their linking with the Strategy for Sustainability of Lower Saxony, which is currently under revision. The intensified cooperation with development policy actors within the civil society - a positive effect of the process of drafting the guidelines - will be continued by, for example, giving these organizations an active part in developing the implementation strategy.

Furthermore, Lower Saxony participates in the newly established Bund-Länder-Program. With the involvement of GIZ’s office in Lower Saxony (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit) project opportunities are currently being examined and planned to be approved
by the end of January 2016.

One World Forum Düsseldorf

Name of the Organization
One World Forum Düsseldorf

Haroldstraße 14, 40213 Düsseldorf
Postfach 103312
40024 Düsseldorf

+49 211 3983129
Description of the Organization

Düsseldorf is a stronghold of the "Eine-Welt-Arbeit" (one world work) in Germany. More than 187 people in Düsseldorf "Eine-Welt-Arbeit" support educational programs, health programs and infrastructure programs, as well as fair trade and the protection of the human rights on all continents of the earth.

The "Eine Welt Forum Düsseldorf Inc." is the network for development cooperation in the capital of Düsseldorf. We co-ordinate and look after the activities of more than 250 initiatives, groups and associations from Düsseldorf and in the surroundings of Mettmann which perform”Eine-Welt-Arbeit “on all continents of the earth.

However, successful development work begins in the own city - by cooperation in political committees, public-relations events and information of the citizens in the media.

The "Eine Welt Forum Düsseldorf Inc." creates valuable contacts and is involved in a humanely world – here and elsewhere.

Pestalozzi Children's Foundation

Name of the Organization
Pestalozzi Children's Foundation

Kinderdorfstraße 20
9043 Trogen

+41 71 343 73 73
Description of the Organization

Children's aid Organization with focus areas on education und intercultural cooperation. Programs und Projects in Switzerland, Africa, Central America and Southeast Europe.

DEZA - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Name of the Organization
DEZA - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Knowledge and Research Unit

Freiburgstrasse 130
3003 Bern

+41 31 3233817