
European Commission - DG for International Partnerships

Name of the Organization
European Commission - DG for International Partnerships
Unit G3, Youth, Education and Culture

Rue de la Loi 41
1049 Brüssel

+32 2 2964147
Description of the Organization

European public institution

Themes of the organization

CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology

Name of the Organization
CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology

29 Lykavitou avenue (1st floor)
2401 Nicosia

+357 22002100
Description of the Organization

CARDET is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. CARDET is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. Our team strives to offer the highest quality services to benefit society. We collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, and across diverse disciplines in designing solutions for local and global challenges.

CARDET’s mission is to inspire next generation education, and to promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people.

CARDET has collaborated with organizations, governments, international agencies, and corporations in Asia, Europe, and the USA. The CARDET team has successfully completed more than 200 projects in more than 40 countries, reaching out to more than a million people. Several of our projects were supported by the European Commission, The Commonwealth of Learning, the United Nations Development Program, USAID, EuropeAid, Microsoft, Google, and governments around the world.


Brot für die Welt - Bread for the World

Name of the Organization
Brot für die Welt - Bread for the World

Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 1
10115 Berlin

+49 30 65211-0
Description of the Organization

‘Bread for the World’ has been the relief organisation of the Protestant Churches in Germany since 1959. Every year, it promotes more than 1,000 projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. ‘Bread for the World’ assists partner organisations in ‘community capacity building’. ‘Bread for the World’ stands up for the rights of people who are disadvantaged and marginalised in the globalised world. Its motto is ‘Justice for the Poor’.

For many years, ‘Bread for the World’ has focused on global education in its educational work as well. Teachers are invited to join the Arbeitskreis Pädagogik (working group for education). At the annual meetings, new classes focusing on global education are developed.

The journal Global Lernen (learning globally) is published every four months and is also available online at Each issue deals with a topic related to development policy and contains didactic advice and suggestions for teaching in upper secondary education. Previous issues dealt with the global financial crisis, nuclear weapons and development cooperation.

In addition, the ‘Bread for the World’ staff organises events and seminars with specialists from partner countries, creates teaching materials, holds competitions and organises school and youth campaigns – including the campaign ‘Fair Play for Fair Life’ and the nutrition campaign Niemand isst für sich allein (nobody is/eats on their own) ( Furthermore, ‘Bread for the World’ offers further training of teachers and classroom visits.

biz - Bremen Information Center on Human Rights and Development

Name of the Organization
biz - Bremen Information Center on Human Rights and Development

Bahnhofsplatz 13
28195 Bremen

+49 421 171910
Description of the Organization

Poverty is increasing all over the world. Ecological catastrophes are becoming more and more severe. Also, the readiness to solve problems by the use of violence is getting stronger. The number of refugees and migrants is growing, and racism and xenophobia are shown more openly and violently then ever before. It seems difficult or even impossible for people of different cultures to live together. With its work, the BIZME aims at promoting the knowledge about other countries and the understanding of foreign cultures among German citizens. It provides background information on globalization and its (negative) consequences, and explains the (global) context. Thus, the BIZME works towards creating an awareness among people that our planet will only survive if each and every person contributes to its survival in the public as well as in the private sphere.

The BIZME organizes lectures, discussions, video evenings, seminars, exhibitions and much more. With its library containing subject-related literature, didactic materials, videotapes, CD-ROMs, and a comprehensive archive of magazines it allows interested adolescents and adults to get information on a multitude of topics. Information brochures and illustrative materials are also available for borrowing. Furthermore, the BIZME assists school classes, teachers, groups and organizations in the preparation of events, project days and school partnerships.

The BIZME cooperates with initiatives, groups and institutions in and outside the town of Bremen. It is not affiliated to any party or confessional group.

The BIZME is financed by the AG Entwicklungspolitik und Menschenrechte e. V., which is an association composed of individual members as well as the following two international and four national organizations: Amnesty International, Terre des Hommes, Bremer
Initiative Ostasien, Entwicklungspolitischer Arbeitskreis, Lebenschance, and Praktische Solidarität International.

Brighton Peace and Environment Centre

Name of the Organization
Brighton Peace and Environment Centre

39 - 41 Surrey Street
United Kingdom

0044 (0)1273 766611
Description of the Organization

As Development Education Centre we aim to raise awareness of peace and environment related issues through information and education.

Themes of the organization