KOO - Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission
Türkenstr. 3
A 1090 Wien
Türkenstr. 3
A 1090 Wien
Spiegelgasse 3/2/7
A-1010 Wien
Münichreiterstraße 31
1130 Wien
Prager Straße 287
1210 Wien
Mackestraße 53
53119 Bonn
Türrschmidtstraße 7-8
10317 Berlin
Robert-Schuman-Straße 20
69207 Sandhausen
Since 2010, Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V. promotes miscellaneous education projects with various focus in north and central Malawi.
Wilhelm-Buck-Straße 4
01097 Dresden
The Free State of Saxony supports the goal of a sustainable develop-ment according to the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations 2000. Sharing the responsibility with the federal government and the municipalities, the state of Saxony attempts to contribute to and promote development cooperation. This was reconfirmed through the signing of the 2014 Resolution on Development Policy of the Minister Presidents of the German Federal States.
Achtermannstraße 10-12
48143 Münster
Sophienblatt 100
24114 Kiel
The BEI was established in 1994 as an umbrella association for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to set the stage for more coordinated and co-operative development projects. The BEI's main objective is to create a network and provide assistance for the development projects of its 65 associated member organizations. These organizations focus on different aspects of development policy-related work and have different political approaches to achieve solidarity in our "One World." Their main objectives include:
The BEI aims to establish a network for these different One World projects, which are carried out by full time and voluntary workers. The association wants to provide support and training for the involved partners, and aims to represent their and its own development policy concerns in terms of political and administrative issues. The BEI's work is based on the concept of Sustainable Development, which combines ecological, economic and social issues. This concept makes changes necessary both in the North and in the South. In this context ecological issues are as important as the development concepts, because they are mutually dependent.
In different projects and events the BEI functions as a facilitator of co-operation among its associated member organizations, other local development networks or initiatives, and organizations concerned with different aspects of development policy-related work. In Germany the BEI is co-operating on a federal level with the Platform of the German One World Regional Networks (agl) and the Association of German Development NGOs (VENRO).