
Olof Palme International Center

Name of the Organization
Olof Palme International Center

Sveavägen 68, 5 tr
Postadress: Box 836
101 36 Stockholm

+46 8 6775770
Description of the Organization

The Palme Center was founded in 1992 by the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Swedish Cooperative Union and has currently 29 member organisations from the Swedish labour movement. The board is chaired by Ingvar Carlsson, previously Prime Minister. Operations are led by Secretary General Thomas Hammarberg and Carin Jämtin heads development cooperation activities. The Palme Center runs extensive meeting and seminar activities, which together with the web service and a magazine form a broad opinion-moulding platform. Each year the Palmecenter and its member organisations work with almost 200 projects. These deal with everything from adult education to human rights, democracy and reconciliation.

Themes of the organization

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eine-Welt-Gruppen im Bistum Münster und in der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen

Name of the Organization
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eine-Welt-Gruppen im Bistum Münster und in der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen

Rosenstraße 16
48143 Münster

+49 251 495 398

One World Regional Network Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Name of the Organization
One World Regional Network Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Kröpeliner Straße 10
18055 Rostock

+49 381 3676746-0
Description of the Organization
  • Federation of associations, groups and initiatives in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania that are committed to solidarity in One World.
  • Lobbying function by representing the common interests of its members at the state and national level.
  • Service function by advising initiatives and organising information and training events.
  • Coordination function by promoting cooperation between One World initiatives in the country
  • Contact person in questions of "Global Learning" in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Arranging cooperation partners in the state, materials and speakers as well as political lobbying at various levels of educational institutions in the state.

Themes of the organization

Ecumenical organization for the integration of foreigners in the German state of Bremen e. V.

Name of the Organization
Ecumenical organization for the integration of foreigners in the German state of Bremen e. V.

Berckstr. 27
28359 Bremen

+49 421 8007004
+49 421 8007004
Description of the Organization

Main Areas of Activity
1. Networking within the ecclesiastical community:
Networking, counseling and education of volunteers in parishes, various ecclesiastical groups and initiatives working in the field of integrating refugees; advising parishes with regards to asylum granted in German churches, the so-called Kirchenasyl or Church sanctuary.

2. Cooperation with other groups and initiatives involved with refugee and migration issues locally, regionally, and nationally (for example in cooperation with Pro Asyl)

3. Information and public relations:
Lobbying for refugees, providing statements concerning relevant issues; providing information and materials for committed groups and individuals (We have a small reference library that is open to the public during office hours.)

Foreigners Need Friends
Following the attacks on asylum seekers' hostels and foreigners, members of initiatives and parishes of different denominations have founded the ecumenical organization for the integration of foreigners in the German state of Bremen in 1994.

Our commitment is motivated by our Christian faith, according to which

  • all human beings have the same right to live, and the same right to the pursuit of happiness
  • we are obliged to offer all victims of persecution shelter and help

The Multicultural Society is Already a Fact
Immigration to Germany is not a new phenomenon: it has taken place again and again throughout history. The peaceful coexistence of human beings from different cultures is not easy to achieve, and efforts must be made by all involved. We do whatever we can to achieve equality and a safe future for refugees and migrants; in addition, we support parishes, groups and individuals who are working towards an effective integration process.

Aktion Courage e. V.

Name of the Organization
Aktion Courage e. V.

Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 11
10787 Berlin

+49 30 214586-0
Description of the Organization

Action Courage was founded in 1992 by citizens' initiatives, human rights groups, organizations and individuals from all social areas and political parties as an answer to the violent racism in the German cities of Moelln, Solingen, Hoyerswerda and Rostock. To maintain social peace in Germany, we are dependent on the cooperation of people of different origins, of all cultures, and religions. If we want to achieve mutual respect, we must actively fight for it.

What we want:
Action Courage demands and supports the social involvement and political participation of people of foreign origins.

With our work and projects we want to achieve:

  • Encounters free of fear and prejudice
  • Readiness to communicate
  • Acceptance of foreign identities
  • Concentration on common values as well as
  • Disassociation from extremist actions and tendencies

Who we are:
We are a German group of active citizens and organizations of different cultures of all regions in the world.We are not onlookers. Discrimination of any kind is an attack on human dignity.

Therefore we defend ourselves with courageous actions against violent and open racism, as well as against latent and everyday racism in companies, local authorities, in schools and universities, in our leisure time and in our private life, in politics and the media.

Only if we are open us to the different worlds can we understand our own world and will we be able to live peacefully with each other.

What we do:

  • We provide information and do educational and public relations work
  • We lobby MPs and government officials
  • We offer intercultural training for the police and the German army
  • We document assaults and discriminations
  • We work together with human rights and anti-racism groups

Themes of the organization


Name of the Organization

Gerberngasse 39
Postfach 87
CH-3000 Bern 13

+41 31 398 18 78
+41 31 398 18 76
Description of the Organization

The union of the school pupil organizations of Switzerland and the principality Liechtenstein – briefly USO – is a charitable organization which exerts itself for the concerns of the schoolgirls and schoolboys. It was founded in 1990 and unites 80 school pupil organizations and school pupil councils from all over Switzerland and the principality Liechtenstein. It represents the concerns of the schoolgirls and schoolboys by educational discussions, however, also directly to its members by national or regional workshops, to projects and concrete services with regard to its activities in school pupil organizations.

Themes of the organization

Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau

Name of the Organization
Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau

Bürgergasse 2
8010 Graz

+43 316 324556
Description of the Organization

Welthaus is a group of six organizations involved in development policy. These organisation are located in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten, and Vienna. Together, we are working towards a sustainable society in which human dignity and justice play a major role.

By participating in campaigns and lobbywork, Welthaus helps to gain support for development projects from policy makers and international institutions. Welthaus offers intercultural encounters and provides children and adults with information, advice, and education in the field of development policy. Welthaus provides speakers from developing countries and from Eastern Europe who are trained in Global Learning. It also develops and organizes workshops, seminars, and courses on Global Learning for people of all ages. In cooperation with institutions providing training and further education for teachers, our organizations in Graz and Linz each offer a course on Global Learning.

Welthaus supports and helps carry out projects in developing countries as well as in Eastern and Southeast Europe. We regularly invite guests from those areas to Austria , and they can provide genuine insight into everyday life in their countries of origin. These encounters create an atmosphere of exchange and mutual learning.

Themes of the organization