Human rights

EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Name of the Organization
EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Wörthstraße 17
72764 Reutlingen

+49 7121 9479980
Description of the Organization

The developing-educational information centre EPiZ in Reutlingen is a house of global learning which acts on a regional and national level, as well as all on an international one. The program of EPiZ is “Bildung trifft Entwicklung” (BtE), “education meets development”, which allows global learning in cooperation with advisers from the development policy and from voluntary services related to development policy as well as with people from countries of the global south. The library and the global classroom with their interesting materials towards development policy give access to a variety of possibilities to deal with the topic of global learning. The rooms open for our guests the whole world in its cultural diversity and at the same time show acting options for one world.

Infozentrum Globales Lernen in Hamburg

Name of the Organization
Infozentrum Globales Lernen in Hamburg
Fachpromotorin für Globles Lernen

Berner Chaussee 58
22175 Hamburg

+49 176 11432070
Description of the Organization

The info center global learning is a carrier organization for the professional promoters of global learning in Hamburg. There will be workshops, materials and learning places for global learning available. Also trainings take place for advisers and advanced trainings for teachers in the subject area: global development. Furthermore, an extensive consultation offer is available.This encloses project development, educational offer development and evaluation, as well as fundraising and high-class development.

Fördern durch Spielmittel - Promoting through play resources

Name of the Organization
Fördern durch Spielmittel - Promoting through play resources

Immanuelkirchstraße 24
10405 Berlin

+49 30 4429293

ZEP - Journal of International Educational Research and Development Education

Name of the Organization
ZEP - Journal of International Educational Research and Development Education
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Pädagogik an der Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg

Markusplatz 3
96047 Bamberg

+49 951 863-1832
Description of the Organization

Future dimensions of development education are widely unknown today. Our global living environment and everyday worlds develop in contexts which become more and more complex. Old certainties are dissolving; new orientations can rarely be identified. Thus, it becomes harder to find reasonable answers to the new challenges that are worthwhile for development education; answers which make it possible to impart knowledge and behavior for a future-oriented living.

The editors and the editorial board of the Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik (ZEP, Journal for international educational research and development education) have established a medium that, for more than thirty years, has been bringing development education and international educational research to the public.

Complex theoretical contexts are picked up and explained in the different issues while, at the same time, experiences and problems are discussed from a practical perspective in a way that they facilitate relevant impulses back to the scientific discourse.

The journal targets educationalists working in development education and scientists from neighboring disciplines as well as anyone who is interested in global learning and development cooperation in schools and elsewhere.

ADA - Austrian Development Agency

Name of the Organization
ADA - Austrian Development Agency
Development Communication and Education in Austria

Zelinkagasse 2
1010 Vienna

+43 1 90399-0
Description of the Organization

Combating poverty, ensuring peace and preserving the environment: These are the three major concerns of Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. Every year, about 600 projects and programmes are implemented and funds of well over EUR 100 million are deployed to improve living conditions in developing countries.

Together with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA), partner countries, public institutions, civil-society organisations and businesses, ADA seeks to ensure that sustainable development works to the benefit of all people in Africa, Asia, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe as well as in the Caribbean. Personnel in 13 coordination offices make sure that ADA operations are in line with national development goals and the needs of the local population and that funds are put to the best possible use.

MFA allocates the ADA budget, but other federal ministries and donors or the EU, for example, draw on ADA expertise. Since 2008, the Austrian Development Agency has been conducting programmes for the European Commission. Via a further financing instrument, business partnerships, it allocates private funds for development cooperation: ADA promotes projects of enterprises in developing countries and emerging nations if they contribute to improving the conditions of life of the population in a region. Most funds are invested in its key regions and priority countries.




Peer-Leader International

Name of the Organization
Peer-Leader International

Hauptstraße 93
26842 Ostrhauderfehn

+49 52 80997277
Description of the Organization

Peer leader International (PLI) is a youth project for the realization of the „general explanation of the human rights“ and for the sustainability goals (SDGs) of Rio20. Besides the main location in the East Frisian Ostrhauderfehn there is an additional Peer leader's team in Brunswick, as well as in South Africa (Pretoria/city of Tshwane, Winterveld), Brazil (Visconde de Mauá) Bosnia-Herzegovina (Banja Luka) and soon in the Ukraine, further in Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, in Malawi and Uganda.

Peer leader-International gives young people between 12 and 26 years the opportunity to try out and get to know new things, to prepare a self-determined, engaged and cosmopolitan life. The main focus is to learn and have fun through personal responsibility and joint work of charitable projects.

Peer leaders are involved in the areas of FairPlanet, Health, Climate, Escape and Human rights, Participation. Since 2017 the project "an extracurricular learning place of the federal state Lower Saxony" is operated in many schools.

OeVA - Oecumenical Planing-Comittee for the Intercultural Week in Germany

Name of the Organization
OeVA - Oecumenical Planing-Comittee for the Intercultural Week in Germany

Postfach 16 06 46
60069 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 242314-60
Description of the Organization

The OeVA - Oecumenical Planing-Comittee for the Intercultural Week in Germany (ÖVA - Ökumenische Vorbereitungsausschuss) prepares the annual intercultural week (IKW) which is taking place all over the country. It recommends content focuses, suggests a theme, carries out the annual, nationwide preparatory conference  offers materials available for the preparatory groups and organizes a central nationwide inaugural event.In the EPC 15 members are appointed from the churches. Up to six additional members are coopted from institutions, organizations and socially important areas.

What is the intercultural week?
The annual intercultural week (IKW) is an initiative of the German bishops' conference (DBK - Deutschen Bischofskonferenz), the Protestant church in Germany (EKD - Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland) and the Greek-orthodox Metropolie that takes place throughout all Germany. The intercultural week is held ince 1975 at the end of September and is supported by churches, local authority districts, welfare associations, trade unions, integration advisory boards and commissioned, migrant's organizations and initiative groups. In 2016 about 5,000 events were carried out in more than 500 towns and municipalities. The Refugee Day is a component of the intercultural week.