Latin America

EJBW - European Youth Education and Meeting Centre in Weimar

Name of the Organization
EJBW - European Youth Education and Meeting Centre in Weimar

Jenaer Straße 2/4
99425 Weimar

+49 3643 827-0
Description of the Organization

Weimar stands for art and culture, classicism and the modern age, cosmopolitan attitudes and nationalism, democracy and forced labour, even genocide. Weimar is a town of European importance. Our centre is situated in a small park in the centre of Weimar. The European Youth Education and Meeting Centre (EJBW) is an institution for political education, intercultural learning as well as theatre and pedagogical work. We invite children, young people and multipliers from Weimar, Thuringia, Germany and all over the world to come to our - national and international - seminars. Our centre is available to you for co-operation or just as a guest house. Creative thinking, independent judgement, solidarity and responsible action - these are the aims of our educational work.

DVV International - Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e. V.

Name of the Organization
DVV International - Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e. V.

Obere Wilhelmstraße 32
53225 Bonn

+49 228 9756943

Climate Alliance Austria

Name of the Organization
Climate Alliance Austria

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 72/1.5
1040 Wien

+43 1 5815881-0
Description of the Organization

The Climate Alliance is a global partnership between more than 1,500 European cites and the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest area for the protection of the world's climate. In Austria, all of the federal states and more than 530 cities are involved. They have volunteered to commit themselves to reduce their CO2 emissions by half by the year 2010, and they are also supporting their partners in the Amazon region in their work to preserve the rainforest. 200 companies and over 70 schools are also members of the alliance. Apart from ecologocal aspects, the Austrian Climate Alliance is also aware of social interactions such as the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Themes of the organization