Education offers

dbXchange network

Name of the Organization
dbXchange network
CoCoon-Studio, TU Berlin

Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin

+49 30 31-29647
Description of the Organization


DesignBuild takes students from their studio desks into the physical world of human interactions and construction.

On this platform you can exchange information and knowledge about DesignBuild activities, promote your projects, organisation and your own expertise, search and offer literature, initiate collaboration, look for support, find answers to questions about pedagogy, logistics, liabilities, funding and construction.

Students, planners, employers, clients and users, researchers, teachers, politicians, entrepreneurs, donors, crafts-men, academics and non-academics are warmly welcome to join the dbXchange network. ... become a member!

This exchange platform and database is not reduced to north- south relations but open to all kind of fruitful learning cooperations in every direction.


Infozentrum Globales Lernen in Hamburg

Name of the Organization
Infozentrum Globales Lernen in Hamburg
Fachpromotorin für Globles Lernen

Berner Chaussee 58
22175 Hamburg

+49 176 11432070
Description of the Organization

The info center global learning is a carrier organization for the professional promoters of global learning in Hamburg. There will be workshops, materials and learning places for global learning available. Also trainings take place for advisers and advanced trainings for teachers in the subject area: global development. Furthermore, an extensive consultation offer is available.This encloses project development, educational offer development and evaluation, as well as fundraising and high-class development.

Welthaus Education Austria

Name of the Organization
Welthaus Education Austria
Entwicklungspolitische Bildung

Heiliggeiststraße 16
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 7270-811
Description of the Organization

Welthaus Education is the educational department for Welthaus Innsbruck, the network for developmental cooperation of the Innsbruck (Austria) Diocese.

We offer advice on intercultural encounters and intercultural learning for pupils, teachers and adult education instructors. We arrange contact with speakers from other cultures and hold workshops and continuing education classes.

In our "Lebensbilder" (images of life) project, we provide the opportunity for one month each year, to meet speakers of countries in which the campaign "Bruder und Schwester in Not"(brothers and sisters in need) Innsbruck (BSI) or the organization Caritas Innsbruck International (CII) support development projects.

The "Lebensbilder"project focuses on our guests' life experiences. They talk about their lives, countries and cultures from their very personal point of view. The hosts in the Tirol region (school classes or adult groups) prepare for the visit in order to ensure a successful encounter and establish a climate of hospitality.

During this project, a seminar on continuing education for teachers takes place in cooperation with the Pädagogisches Institut (institute of education) and the Religionspädagogisches Institut (institute of religious education) of the Innsbruck Diocese.

Our monthly "Weltcafé" (world café) event provides the opportunity to talk with the speakers about several topics (dialogue between religions, cooperation for development, global justice, etc.).

In addition to our Lebensbilder project , Welthaus Innsbruck will offer study trips to project partners in Africa and Latin America as of 2005. It is our goal to enlist actively committed Tiroleans to contribute to our work and to show solidarity with our partners in Africa and Latin America.

ARiC - Information Center for Intercultural Relations Against Right-wing Extremism Berlin

Name of the Organization
ARiC - Information Center for Intercultural Relations Against Right-wing Extremism Berlin

Husstraße 65
12489 Berlin

+49 30 3087990
Description of the Organization

ARiC Berlin provides background information and materials on the situation of migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities as well as on matters concerning German immigration and asylum legislation. It also promotes events and initiatives aimed at fighting discrimination, violence and right-wing extremism. Thus, ARiC seeks to promote tolerance and improve intercultural relations.

By means of the AriCbase database information system, data concerning contact details and publications can easily be assembled, administered, and accessed.

The database contains in excess of 40,000 entries and is updated regularly. It includes a list of 13,000 publications and more than 27,000 references to articles in newspapers and journals. All entries are arranged according to subject.

ARiC Berlin carries out projects aimed at providing education and information on issues like racism, right-wing extremism, migration, integration etc. We also seek to promote national and international networking.

We provide:

  • Advice and support for social and integration projects
  • General information and help (also via e-mail); online media database (more than 40,000 references to articles from newspapers and magazines, books, videos, etc.), annotated data base (about 3,500 references) with addresses of organizations and institutions
  • Education, organization of presentations, recommendations on publications dealing with topical issues (on request)

Themes of the organization

NMRZ - Nuremberg Human Rights Centre

Name of the Organization
NMRZ - Nuremberg Human Rights Centre

Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
90403 Nürnberg

+49 911 230555-0
Description of the Organization


  • Support and promotion of human rights work
  • Research on human rights matters
  • Promotion of human rights education
  • Communication and exchange of information with other human rights organisations

We work on the local, regional and international levels to promote and defend human rights. This work includes organisation of conferences and seminars and participation in research projects, publication of documents, and educational efforts concerning human rights.

Themes of the organization