Refuge and Asylum

FCE - Foundation Caucasus Environmnet

Name of the Organization
FCE - Foundation Caucasus Environmnet

Krtsanisi I tup. N.3
0114 Tbilisi

+995 322722060
Description of the Organization

Foundation Caucasus Environment (FCE) is founded in 1998 in Georgia. FCE is a nongovernmental, nonprofit public organization with professional staff on environment and education. The organization is oriented on sustainable development and social issues and its activities cover the Caucasus region. At the same time FCE is a member of several international networks, just like the National Platform of Eastern Partnership in Georgia and acts as a coordinator of Working Group 3 of this platform:
Moreover FCE is a member of the big international network Women in Europe for common Future (WECF) WECF Furthermore FCE coordinates the Global Education Week (GEW) of the network of North-South Centre (NSC) of Council of Europe

The organization holds the GEW once a year in Georgia. The Global Education program in Georgia is updated every year according to the themes and comments which are developed at the GEW seminars. These seminars are organized by the NSC of the Council of Europe with participation of all national coordinators of GEW network. The organization’s target groups are schoolchildren and teachers, university students, lecturers, women groups, refugees and Itinerary Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the conflict areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The permanent staff of FCE is 7 person and about 50 volunteers (students, schoolchildren and teachers, women groups, farmers, fishermen scientists, etc). Donors of the granted projects are EU, USAID, Eurasia Foundation, different countries' embassies in Georgia, among others.

Some recent implemented projects are:

  1. "Integrated Hotspots Management and Saving the Living Black Sea Ecosystem HOT BLACK SEA", financed by EU BSB ENI CBC, 2013-2016; (team leader)
  2. "Identification, Management and Sustainable Usage of the Eutrophicated areas of the Black Sea Coastal Zone", financed by UNEP GEF SGP (the project coordinator), 2014-2015
  3.   "Strenghening the Women Action for Sustainable Energy Development in Gali and Zugdidi Regions of Conflict areas of Abkhazi"


Name of the Organization
International, European and development education

Annaberg 40
45721 Haltern am See

+49 2364 105-254

North-South Forum Bremerhaven

Name of the Organization
North-South Forum Bremerhaven

Neue Straße 5
27576 Bremerhaven

+49 471 5010094
Description of the Organization

Forum of development policy initiatives in Bremerhaven

Lower Saxony Refugee Council

Name of the Organization
Lower Saxony Refugee Council

Röpkestraße 12
30173 Hannover

+49 511 98246030
Description of the Organization

The refugee council tries to tangibly improve the life situation of refugees in Lower Saxony with specific projects. We do not only want to criticize  discriminating treatment of refugees, but also to intervene and change the situation.

The main focal areas of our project work includes:

  • asylum and health,
  • child refugees,
  • access to the job market,
  • (anti-) discrimination,
  • temporary right for tolerated refugees, and
  • networking of refugee relief.

The refugee council of Lower Saxony was founded in 1984 and is registered as a charitable organization. It consists of a network of about 500 refugee initiatives, congregations, labour unions and individuals who do not consent to the prevalent discrimination of refugees in Lower Saxony. This network provides the basis for fighting racism in Lower Saxony. The refugee council is a member of PRO ASYL (German Human Rights organization) and cooperates closely with the refugee councils of other German federal states.

Considering the decrease of funded refugee work it is important to maintain the remaining support structures for refugees and to further strengthen the initiatives. In cooperation with other associations our goal is to network and improve refugee work in Lower Saxony.

Our activities include:

  • professional counselling,
  • seminars and symposia,
  • public relations work,
  • legal assistance in individual cases,
  • publishing of  the Flüchtlingsrat (refugee council) magazine,
  • representation of the interests of refugees in Lower Saxony, and
  • critical monitoring of refugee policy in Lower Saxony.

Office of information Nicaragua

Name of the Organization
Office of information Nicaragua

Deweerthstraße 8
42107 Wuppertal

+49 202 300030
Description of the Organization

The office of information Nicaragua is one of the oldest organizations of the Nicaraguan solidarity movement. The history of the office of information was until the 90s closely related with the economyof the solidarity movement to Central America and especially to Nicaragua. Today our work concentrates on the area of development education  and information for Latin America and on thecooperation and support of base initiatives in Nicaragua. We provide information, publish publications, provide educational materials, maintain a third world archive, mediate examiners, organize visits with Latin-American activists and organize actions, series of events, school workshops and seminars. Within the framework of several projects educational materials were developed on subjects like economy, migration, climate change and environmental justice, human rights and social movements as well as colonialism and racism. Besides the educational materials we also offer disseminator courses. For several years we also offer successful workshops on the above mentioned subjects for young people . We use interactive and participative exercises of global learning, so that young people can approach appropriately to the subject of the workshops. Moreover we refer to the interests and experiences of the participants and put a main focus on the learning. Our work focuses on fun, the connections with the life and reality of young people, reflection as well as the ability to own judgment and action.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Refugee Council

Name of the Organization
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Refugee Council

Postfach 11 02 29
19002 Schwerin

+49 385 581579-0
Description of the Organization

Refugees are a special group among immigrants from foreign countries who seek protection  from torture, persecution and hunger caused by political, religious or cultural tensions, war and poverty in their homelands. Worldwide there are 12 million refugees. The number of regions of crisis in the world has not diminished. The acceptance rates of refugees in Europe and Germany have been decreasing for years. A large number of refugees are tolerated only for a short time. They are subject to special legislation and special residency requirements and they receive fewer benefits. This legislation systematically prevents them from  becoming integrated into society. 

Mecklenburg Vorpommern e. V. Refugee Council supports fair asylum application procedures, access to employment and educational opportunities for refugees, humane housing and unlimited medical care. The Council also fights any kind of xenophobia and racism. It participates in PRO ASYL and has connections to other refugee groups and organizations.


  • We provide advice to asylum seekers, tolerated and accepted refugees, people fleeing from civil wars, paid and voluntary workers, as well as associations and groups which are involved in refugee work. 
  • We organize continuing education programmes and campaign activities about refugees and asylum. We also find companions who accompany refugees who need to see doctors, visit advisory centres, consult lawyers and the like. 
  • We coordinate and promote refugee work in Mecklenburg Vorpommern.

sef: Development and Peace Foundation

Name of the Organization
sef: Development and Peace Foundation

Dechenstraße 2
53115 Bonn

+49 228 95925-0
Description of the Organization

Forum for International Dialogue