
Don Bosco Mondo e. V.

Name of the Organization
Don Bosco Mondo e. V.

Sträßchensweg 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 53965-69
+49 228 53965-68
Description of the Organization

By providing comprehensive education and vocational training, Don Bosco Mondo e. V. particularly supports disadvantaged children and adolescents in Africa, Asia, Latin America, ond Eostern Europe, enabling them to live independent lives.

Our reliable partners in this endeavour are the Salesians of Don Bosco. With over 7000 children and youth centres in more than 130 countries. Don Bosco provides young people with knowledge, skills, and orientation. The "Don-Bosco Pedagogy" is synonymous for loving care and professional support. lt does not only help young people to develop confidence in their own capabilities, but also conveys values as creativity, team spirit, tolerance, and respect. Our new name is meant to emphasise our commitment to this One World and the global responsibility that connects us here in Germany with people across the world."

Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau

Name of the Organization
Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau

Bürgergasse 2
8010 Graz

+43 316 324556
Description of the Organization

Welthaus is a group of six organizations involved in development policy. These organisation are located in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten, and Vienna. Together, we are working towards a sustainable society in which human dignity and justice play a major role.

By participating in campaigns and lobbywork, Welthaus helps to gain support for development projects from policy makers and international institutions. Welthaus offers intercultural encounters and provides children and adults with information, advice, and education in the field of development policy. Welthaus provides speakers from developing countries and from Eastern Europe who are trained in Global Learning. It also develops and organizes workshops, seminars, and courses on Global Learning for people of all ages. In cooperation with institutions providing training and further education for teachers, our organizations in Graz and Linz each offer a course on Global Learning.

Welthaus supports and helps carry out projects in developing countries as well as in Eastern and Southeast Europe. We regularly invite guests from those areas to Austria , and they can provide genuine insight into everyday life in their countries of origin. These encounters create an atmosphere of exchange and mutual learning.

Themes of the organization

EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Name of the Organization
EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Wörthstraße 17
72764 Reutlingen

+49 7121 9479980
Description of the Organization

The developing-educational information centre EPiZ in Reutlingen is a house of global learning which acts on a regional and national level, as well as all on an international one. The program of EPiZ is “Bildung trifft Entwicklung” (BtE), “education meets development”, which allows global learning in cooperation with advisers from the development policy and from voluntary services related to development policy as well as with people from countries of the global south. The library and the global classroom with their interesting materials towards development policy give access to a variety of possibilities to deal with the topic of global learning. The rooms open for our guests the whole world in its cultural diversity and at the same time show acting options for one world.

dbXchange network

Name of the Organization
dbXchange network
CoCoon-Studio, TU Berlin

Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin

+49 30 31-29647
Description of the Organization


DesignBuild takes students from their studio desks into the physical world of human interactions and construction.

On this platform you can exchange information and knowledge about DesignBuild activities, promote your projects, organisation and your own expertise, search and offer literature, initiate collaboration, look for support, find answers to questions about pedagogy, logistics, liabilities, funding and construction.

Students, planners, employers, clients and users, researchers, teachers, politicians, entrepreneurs, donors, crafts-men, academics and non-academics are warmly welcome to join the dbXchange network. ... become a member!

This exchange platform and database is not reduced to north- south relations but open to all kind of fruitful learning cooperations in every direction.


Welthaus Education Austria

Name of the Organization
Welthaus Education Austria
Entwicklungspolitische Bildung

Heiliggeiststraße 16
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 7270-811
Description of the Organization

Welthaus Education is the educational department for Welthaus Innsbruck, the network for developmental cooperation of the Innsbruck (Austria) Diocese.

We offer advice on intercultural encounters and intercultural learning for pupils, teachers and adult education instructors. We arrange contact with speakers from other cultures and hold workshops and continuing education classes.

In our "Lebensbilder" (images of life) project, we provide the opportunity for one month each year, to meet speakers of countries in which the campaign "Bruder und Schwester in Not"(brothers and sisters in need) Innsbruck (BSI) or the organization Caritas Innsbruck International (CII) support development projects.

The "Lebensbilder"project focuses on our guests' life experiences. They talk about their lives, countries and cultures from their very personal point of view. The hosts in the Tirol region (school classes or adult groups) prepare for the visit in order to ensure a successful encounter and establish a climate of hospitality.

During this project, a seminar on continuing education for teachers takes place in cooperation with the Pädagogisches Institut (institute of education) and the Religionspädagogisches Institut (institute of religious education) of the Innsbruck Diocese.

Our monthly "Weltcafé" (world café) event provides the opportunity to talk with the speakers about several topics (dialogue between religions, cooperation for development, global justice, etc.).

In addition to our Lebensbilder project , Welthaus Innsbruck will offer study trips to project partners in Africa and Latin America as of 2005. It is our goal to enlist actively committed Tiroleans to contribute to our work and to show solidarity with our partners in Africa and Latin America.