Production of educational/teaching resources

EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Name of the Organization
EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
53113 Bonn

+49 228 2618101
Description of the Organization

EADI, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, is the leading European network in the field of development research and training. EADI is a Europe-wide network of institutes, researchers and students of various disciplines in the field of development studies. It organises activities and offers facilities for the international exchange of knowledge and experience in the professional field. Its most prominent activity is a General Conference devoted to a topical issue every three years. The official languages of EADI are English and French. EADI is the prime professional association for development studies. As such it promotes: quality in research and education in development studies, the exchange of relevant information among members and with others, the strengthening of relevant knowledge networks at the regional and global level, and influencing both national and European decision-makers in the development cooperation field. EADI’s two objectives are, firstly, to generate and stimulate and exchange of information among European academics and researchers concerned with development issues and to develop contacts with researchers from other regions of the world. And secondly, to promote interdisciplinary studies on specific themes. EADI is financed by its members’ contributions, an institutional grant from the German government and other project-related subsidies and private donations. EADI receives core funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and the Land North Rhine-Westphalia / City of Bonn.

SODI - solidarity service international registered association

Name of the Organization
SODI - solidarity service international registered association
Education / Global Learning

Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin

+49 30 9209093-18
Description of the Organization

The solidarity service international (Solidaritätsdienst International e. V.) is independent, party politics and ideological open. SODI stands up for a united, fair and peaceful world in which the natural resources are preserved.

In fair cooperation with women's organizations and trade union organizations, with municipal initiatives, church facilities and cooperatives SODI realizes for over 25 years of self-help projects in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as East Europe and Southeast Europe.

An important component of the work in Germany is work of information and educational work on developing-political subjects. SODI is specialized in multimedia projects which sensitize above all young people, inform and motivate to exert themselves for a fair and sustainable world. From social transformation to global justice, lastingness and future ability is for SODI, on this occasion, a big concern. SODI takes part with an active engagement in civil-social networks and campaigns. SODI is recommended by the senate management for education, youth and science as a supplier of the global learning.

Light for the world

Name of the Organization
Light for the world

Niederhofstraße 26
1120 Wien

+43 1 8101300
Description of the Organization

Light for the world is an international organization that focuses on development projects for blind persons and persons with disabilities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Light for the world works together with local partners, eye health clinics and disabled peoples organizations.

Anne Frank centre

Name of the Organization
Anne Frank centre

Rosenthaler Straße 39
10178 Berlin

+49 30 2888656-00
Description of the Organization

The Anne Frank centre in Berlin is a partner organisation of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Its main focus is to promote across Germany the memory of Anne Frank and her famous diary. The activities of the Anne Frank Zentrum seek to strengthen the values of freedom, equality and democracy and combat Antisemitism, racism and discrimination. The Anne Frank Zentrum displays the exhibition »Anne Frank. here & now« in Berlin and coordinates travelling exhibition projects throughout Germany. It develops proposals that serve to explore the causes and consequences of the Holocaust and it also offers special one-day events, seminars and opportunities for continuing education. The pedagogical programs developed by the Zentrum are especially aimed at young people, who are encouraged to become more active citizens, more aware of their societal responsibilities and also to learn to make the most of their freedom to participate in society.

Third World Saar Campaign

Name of the Organization
Third World Saar Campaign

Weiskirchener Straße 24
66679 Losheim am See

+49 6872 993056
Description of the Organization

Third World Saar Campaign (Aktion 3. Welt Saar) is a social organization that is not linked to any political party. We are not involved in any projects in the Third World because we think that we do not have the right to develop people in other countries. Our objective is to make a difference in Germany. For centuries, Europe has forced its ideas about development upon other countries and thereby destroyed development programs that were already in process. Now it is time to put an end to this kind of violent development policy.

Since we are not associated with any political party, we refuse to focus on one individual objective. Some people expect us to stand up exclusively for topics related to the Third World and stay out of German politics because they assume we cannot achieve anything anyway. But instead, we interfere because we care. We want to bring about changes in Germany.

As an organization that is not linked to any political party, we commit ourselves to topics such as fair trade, world trade, nutrition, political asylum, racism, migration, energy policies, anti-Semitism, militarization, ecology and development policies. Above all, we try to do something about the unequal distribution of goods in the world. We intend to make sure that everyone has access to intellectual and material resources and does not live in poverty and misery.

We, the Third World Saar Campaign,

  • are financed by our members and sponsors and are not linked to any political party, church or lobby;
  • annually organize 120 events and campaigns independently or in cooperation with other organizations;
  • establish networks, link up groups and people and initiate campaigns;
  • recommend speakers and provide counselling for the organization of events;
  • publish the results of our research and studies on a regular basis.

TDW - Democratic Society East

Name of the Organization
TDW - Democratic Society East

ul. Tamka 34 lok. 14
00-355 Warsaw

+48 22 828 13 06
Description of the Organization

The Democratic Society East Foundation (DSE) is a public service organization established in 2002. The Foundation's mission is the development of civic society through education in Poland and countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Major activities conducted by DSE in recent years:

I. Global Education Projects
a) Long-term program "How to Operate and Cooperate, How to Exist and Co-exist in the Modern World" – educational materials and training for the teachers
b) Competitions for the Best Initiative in the Field of Global Education (2005, 2007)
c) Global Education Festival (2006)
d) Volunteerism in the East (long term program)

II. Journalists in Civic Society
a) International seminar "Improving the Media. An International Exchange of Experience" (2005)
b) Free Media and Election Campaigns. Polish-Ukrainian Seminar for Television Journalists (2005)
c) Workshops for Beginning Journalists of the Polish Émigré Press in Moldova and Ukraine (2005)
d) Television Investigative Journalism as a Tool in Fighting Corruption – Training for Ukrainian Journalists (2006)

III. Support for Local Democracy in Ukraine
a) Cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian Local Governments
b) "Welcome to Europe" – Support for the Crimean Tatars
c) Polish-Ukrainian Youth Cooperation for the Development of Local Society

IV. Project to Activate, Educate and Integrate Senior Citizens

Themes of the organization

Carpus e. V.

Name of the Organization
Carpus e. V.

Straße der Jugend 33
03050 Cottbus

+49 355 499-4490
Description of the Organization

In collaboration with German and Filipino associations, the organisation aims to implement and support projects concerned with environmental education, conservation of species and resources, and development cooperation in order to facilitate sustainable society development.
The organisation's concern is to motivate others to act responsible with regard to the principle of sustainability and North-South equitability, as well as teaching the necessary skills.

co2online gemeinnützige GmbH

Name of the Organization
co2online gemeinnützige GmbH

Hochkirchstraße 9
10829 Berlin

+49 30 767685-0
Description of the Organization

co2online gemeinnützige GmbH is a non-profit limited liability company that is campaigning for a reduction in emissions of the environmentally harmful gas carbon dioxide (CO2). The central approach here is: climate protection by means of energy saving through dialogue. With online advisers, communal heating consultants and a climate quiz, as well as portal partners from business, media and politics, co2online motivates private households, trade and commerce to become actively involved in climate protection - and to save money at the same time! co2online informs and motivates mainly in the area of technical modernisation measures for heating and thermal insulation in existing buildings and is the project sponsor for the "Climate Seeks Protection" campaign, which is backed by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Themes of the organization

Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Name of the Organization
Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Avenue des Arts 7-8
1210 Bruxelles

0032 2 539 09 89
Description of the Organization

Les vétérinaires se mobilisent pour aider les populations vivant dans les régions les plus pauvres du monde. Dans beaucoup de pays, le bétail est une source essentielle de nourriture de qualité. Et pourtant, la médecine vétérinaire est souvent inexistante, si bien que le danger d'épidémie n'est jamais très loin. Là-bas, si le troupeau est malade, c'est le village qui meurt. Voilà pourquoi l'aide médicale vétérinaire sur le terrain est une nécessité.

Depuis mars 2007, notre ONG en collaboration avec VSF France, SIVTRo-VSF-Italia et VETAID, mettent en place un projet d'éducation au développement (DEP) financé par la Commission Européenne. Programmé pour trois ans, ce projet vise à informer et sensibiliser les publiques étudiants (agronomes et vétérinaires), politiques et agricoles (les professionnels de l'agriculture) sur la problématique de l'agriculture paysanne dans une optique de relation Nord Sud en se nourrissant de l'expérience de VSF sur la terrain.

Themes of the organization