Development education

Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.

Name of the Organization
Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.

Robert-Schuman-Straße 20
69207 Sandhausen

+49 177 6990 962
Description of the Organization

Since 2010, Support Malawi Heidelberg e. V.  promotes miscellaneous education projects with various focus in north and central Malawi.

Ministry of Finance and for Europe

Name of the Organization
Ministry of Finance and for Europe
Department for EU Policy, EU Law, Development Policy

Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107
14473 Potsdam

+49 331 866-6550
Description of the Organization

The stipulations of the constitution of Brandenburg serve as the framework of and as mandate for international cooperation, peace policy and human rights. Within the constitution, Brandenburg commits to an equal, legally binding and responsible cooperation with foreign partners in accordance with a “One-World”-policy.

Since development policy is a cross-sectional task, the government of Brandenburg relies on regional committed groups and non-governmental organizations as well as on the Association of Development NGOs in Brandenburg (Verbund entwicklungspolitischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen in Brandenburg – VENROB).

The aim of the cooperation is to raise public awareness about problems of sustainable development, to inform about global interdependencies and to point out necessary alternatives. A further aim is to foster a better understanding of Global North-South challenges and mutual tolerance. To achieve these purposes seminars, lecture series, concerts, exhibitions and publications are organized.

The responsible Ministry of Justice, Europe and Consumer Protection in Brandenburg takes on a coordinating role. On 31 May 2012, the „Development Policy Guidelines for Brandenburg“ (Entwicklungspolitische Leitlinien der Landesregierung) were agreed upon after a fruitful consultation process with the actors of Brandenburg’s development policy.

These guidelines contain:

  • the commitment of the federal state government to development policy and its integration into a general context of sustainable development
  • the constitutional regulations
  • the nationwide integration
  • the Brandenburg-specific implementation with concrete priority-setting
  • the creation of a transparent monitoring system, which should ensure that the guidelines are up-to-date in the long run
  • the Round Table for Development Policy Brandenburg (Round Table Entwicklungspolitik Brandenburg), which should help to implement a process of committed involvement, in order to firmly embed topics related to development policy into all policies of the federal state.

The government of Brandenburg considers the measures adopted through the „Development Policy Guidelines“ to be a specific contribution of Brandenburg to the recent resolutions of the Minister Presidents of the federal states and therefore to the concrete implementation of the joint responsibility regarding development policy of the German Federal Government, the federal states and BRANDENBURGthe municipalities.

The responsible Committee for European Affairs and Development Policy (Fachausschuss für Europa- und Entwicklungspolitik) within the state government of Brandenburg regularly invites non-governmental organizations and ministries for public discussions.

KulturLife gGmbH

Name of the Organization
KulturLife gGmbH

Max-Giese-Strasse 22
24116 Kiel

+49 431 8881412

GMÖ - Gemeindedienst für Mission und Ökumene

Name of the Organization
GMÖ - Gemeindedienst für Mission und Ökumene
Region Niederrhein

Seyffardtstr. 74
47805 Krefeld

+49 2151 62680

Aktion Tagwerk

Name of the Organization
Aktion Tagwerk

Walpodenstraße 10
55116 Mainz

+49 6131 9088100
Description of the Organization

Aktion Tagwerk organizes yearly the nationwide campaign "your day for Africa" the idea is easy and remains topical: schoolgirls and boys in Germany go on one day of the school year to work instead of school and donate their wage to educational projects in five countries of Africa. The campaign is accompanied by comprehensive offers of global learning, as for example holding speeches at the participant schools, photo exhibitions, a newspaper for the campaign etc.

Vamos Münster

Name of the Organization
Vamos Münster

Achtermannstraße 10-12
48143 Münster

+49 251 45431
Description of the Organization

For the past twenty years, Vamos e.V. has been fighting for humane living and working conditions all over the world. In cooperation with partners in the South with whom we have a North-South-tandem cooperation, we distribute pamphlets, organize travelling exhibitions, as well as cultural and informational events about creating a more just North-South relationship. Our main topics are: the Millennium Development Goals and how to achieve them, working conditions in the international sporting goods industry and the cut flower industry of so-called third world countries, protection of the rainforest and of the rights of the indigenous peoples.

State Chancellery - Federal, European and International Affairs - Department IV B 3

Name of the Organization
State Chancellery - Federal, European and International Affairs - Department IV B 3
Development education work, International Location Bonn

Postanschrift: 40190 Düsseldorf
Horionplatz 1
40213 Düsseldorf

+49 211 837-1327
+49 0211 837-1170
Description of the Organization

Since October 2010, the responsibility for the “One-World”-policy in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been in the hands of the State Chancellery section of the Ministry for Federal, Europe and International Affairs. In December 2012, the Cabinet passed on a new „One-World”-Strategy, through which North Rhine-Westphalia underlines its global responsibility as the most populous federal state in Germany. The new “One-World”-Strategy functions as the basis for the future development work in North Rhine-Westphalia and for its development cooperation with partners in countries of the South. The strategy states the six strategic fields of action of the development contribution of North Rhine-Westphalia: education and youth; science and research; climate protection; economy; Good Governance and administrative action; participation of the civil society. Basic principles of the North Rhine-Westphalian involvement are global justice, sustainability, inter-departmental coherence and concentration.