
FRSH - Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein

Name of the Organization
FRSH - Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein

Sophienblatt 82-86
24114 Kiel

+49 431 735000
Description of the Organization

The FRSH was founded as an incorporated association in 1991. It is an independent umbrella organisation for groups, initiatives, organizations and individuals involved in refugee aid in Schleswig-Holstein. The FRSH gives advice and support to its members, immigrant and refugee initiatives and exile organizations. It is a member of the nationwide PRO ASYL e.V. and part of the network of refugee councils in Germany. For counselling, some projects, and other events, the FRSH cooperates with churches, associations, human rights organizations, political parties, the authorities and political activist groups.

The Refugee Council demands

  • The full application of the Geneva Refugee Convention, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention Against Torture (CAT).
  • The abolition of all laws and regulations that discriminate against foreigners or that place them at a disadvantage.
  • Abolition of the so-called third state rule (Drittstaatenregelung: a rule limiting asylum to applicants entering the EU from unsafe third states), the official lists containing countries of safe origin and the so-called airport regulation in the German law of asylum.
  • The stopping of the deportation of undesired aliens and the abolition of the detention of aliens prior to deportation.
  • Full recognition of the reasons for seeking asylum as protection against prosecution on the basis of gender or non-governmental prosecution.
  • Full application of the Bundessozialhilfegesetz, concerning public welfare benefits and public health regulations; freedom of movement and unrestricted access to schooling and education, the unrestricted opportunities to seek work.
  • The abolition of degrading and inhumane accommodations.
  • Practical administrative work that is intercultural and aimed at the integration of refugees and asylum seekers.
  • The right to stay in Germany for refugees that have been tolerated to stay on a long-term basis.

Main Topics and Projects

  • Network Baltic-Refugee. Net is a Forum that links all countries involved in refugee-aid and bordering on the Baltic Sea.
  • EQUAL partnership for education, organizes educational programs for refugees; the aim is to integrate refugees and asylum seekers into the economy who have been denied education and employment.
  • Project for unaccompanied minor refugees . Adolescents over 16 years of age are the focal group for this project that is looking for guardians for these minor refugees; it also provides advice and information concerning adolescent refugees.
  • Project Brise. This project organizes opportunities for education and training provided by volunteers, who help and give advice to refugees.

FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken

Name of the Organization
FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken
Additional info
c/o Peter Weichardt / Heike Zimmermann

Schumannstrasse 34
66111 Saarbrücken

+49 6893 801855
Description of the Organization

FAIR for all generations FAIR education - Our campaigns are aimed at schools, kindergartens and day-care centres (Kitas), extracurricular actors in the greater Saarbrücken area and Saarland University. Several "Fair Kitas", "Fairtrade Schools" and "Fairtrade Universities" from the greater Saarbrücken area have already been awarded. School classes and courses from the Saarbrücken region have already received the award "Fair School Class - Fair Trade Class" more than 100 times. Through our young "Fair Trade Ambassadors" as multipliers and through our wide-ranging commitment, we reach a broad public. The guiding principle of our network is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

aha - anders handeln e. V.

Name of the Organization
aha - anders handeln e. V.
Bildungsstelle Globales Lernen

Kreuzstraße 7
01067 Dresden

+49 351 4923370

Aktion Selbstbesteuerung - Self-taxation action

Name of the Organization
Aktion Selbstbesteuerung - Self-taxation action
Additional info
(c/o C. Aicher)

Jägerhalde 87
70327 Stuttgart

+49 5854 9697196
Description of the Organization

A group of about 150 Persons, who pay a voluntary selftax for the support of development in poor countries. We do this work in partnership with other groups and organsisations.