World economic relations

Schumacher College

Name of the Organization
Schumacher College

The Old Postern
United Kingdom

+44 1803 865 934
Description of the Organization

Schumacher College is a unique international educational institution. It provides individuals and groups from across the world with the opportunity to learn on numerous levels about subjects relating to environmental and social sustainability. The College runs an extensive program of short courses from 4 days to 3 weeks on a whole range of subjects including economics, business, design, ecology and art. A full time MSc in Holistic Science, the first of its kind, is run from the College as well as a Certificate in Education for Sustainability.

IWVWW - Internationale Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik e. V.

Name of the Organization
IWVWW - Internationale Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik e. V.

Universität des Saarlandes, Prof. Dr. M. Grabas
Postfach 151150
66041 Saarbrücken

+49 681 302-3319

Themes of the organization

EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Name of the Organization
EPiZ - Center for pedagogical information on development aid

Wörthstraße 17
72764 Reutlingen

+49 7121 9479980
Description of the Organization

The developing-educational information centre EPiZ in Reutlingen is a house of global learning which acts on a regional and national level, as well as all on an international one. The program of EPiZ is “Bildung trifft Entwicklung” (BtE), “education meets development”, which allows global learning in cooperation with advisers from the development policy and from voluntary services related to development policy as well as with people from countries of the global south. The library and the global classroom with their interesting materials towards development policy give access to a variety of possibilities to deal with the topic of global learning. The rooms open for our guests the whole world in its cultural diversity and at the same time show acting options for one world.

Fördern durch Spielmittel - Promoting through play resources

Name of the Organization
Fördern durch Spielmittel - Promoting through play resources

Immanuelkirchstraße 24
10405 Berlin

+49 30 4429293

IfW - Institute for World Economics

Name of the Organization
IfW - Institute for World Economics

Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel

+49 431 8814-1
+49 431 8814-500
Description of the Organization

The Kiel Institute for World Economics at the University of Kiel is an international center for economic policy research and documentation, it has about 270 employees. The Institute's main activities are economic research, economic policy consulting, and the documentation and provision of information about international economic relations. The Institute's publications and services are addressed to academics in Germany and abroad as well as to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors, and to those people in the general public interested in domestic and international economic policy. The Institute's Library is one of the world's largest libraries for economics and social sciences and the Institute's Economic Archives have a comprehensive collection of newspaper cuttings spanning eight decades.

The Institute was founded in 1914 by Bernhard Harms. The Institute, which is an independent institution, is affiliated with the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. It is a member of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL), which unites institutes and service providers of supraregional importance.

In the field of academic research the Institute regards applied research as its principal domain. The Institute engages especially in the empirical analysis of current economic policy issues, the theoretical analysis of new economic phenomena, and innovative economic thinking to find new solutions to economic policy problems.

Themes of the organization

AAI - Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

Name of the Organization
AAI - Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

Wiener Philharmoniker Gasse 2
5020 Salzburg

+43 662 84141311
Description of the Organization

The Afro-Asian Institute Salzburg (AAI) is a non-profit organisation with close ties to the university of Salzburg. It is financed by the public funds and the Catholic Church. The aims of the AAI are to provide educational services on development policy, to enable intercultural encounters and to promote interfaith dialogue.
The AAI is a meeting place for different cultures and religions. We show different global contexts through a varied educational and cultural program in order to raise awareness of injustices and set out development policy issues and its risks in the context of globalization. Affected individuals, as well as experts from the global South have an opportunity in our organization to take the floor. Within the framework of the AAI scholarship program, students from African, Asian and Latin American countries receive financial support, as well as a personal accompaniment and take part in our educational program.


RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg
Globales Lernen

Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam

+49 331 74780-31
Description of the Organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg - is a non-profit organization based in Potsdam. We manage six "Regionale Büros für Integration und Toleranz" (BIT) (regional offices for integration and open-mindedness) and four other offices as well as regional and local projects. In 2004, we established "Globales Lernen/Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (global learning and cooperation for development). For us, global learning is about raising awareness of the world as a whole, of interrelations between North and South, and about relating our everyday life to the lives of people in developing countries. RAA is involved in an enormous variety of development-policy projects. We offer working groups, workshops, and training for teaching staff, and support schools in organizing workshops for students. Long-term projects include supporting school partnerships between schools in Brandenburg and schools in Senegal, Zanzibar/Tanzania and Angola, as well as smaller-scale initiatives. "Begegnungen mit Sansibar" (meeting Zanzibar) is a project that combines education and cooperation for development. Since 1992, more than 160 adolescents and teachers have been given the chance to gain deep insights into another culture and to help promote interactions between Germany and Tanzania, and more will follow. The project in Zanzibar encourages participants to closely examine both the foreign culture and their own. It includes such diverse activities as the building of classrooms, theater projects, thematic research, workshops, seminars and continuous education for teachers. In Germany, the results of this work are available as educational materials, thus enabling our partners from Tanzania to present their life and their views in Brandenburg. In addition, RAA is in charge of organizing and holding the "Brandenburger entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage" (Brandenburg educational and informational days on development aid) as well as the education program of the 'Berlin Import Shop' fair.

Global Marshall Plan Foundation

Name of the Organization
Global Marshall Plan Foundation

Rosenstraße 2
20095 Hamburg

+49 40 82290 428
Description of the Organization

The Global Marshall Plan initiative gets on as an integrative platform for a world in balance. Consisting of a network from more than 5000 supporters from all levels of society, it gathers politics, economy and civil society with five core demands to a fairer globalization. - guide to global learning in Schleswig-Holstein

Name of the Organization - guide to global learning in Schleswig-Holstein

c/o Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.
Walkerdamm 1
24103 Kiel

+49 431 679399-00
Description of the Organization is a project of the alliance “Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.” Teachers and employees of nursery schools and youth facilities can find educational work support like consultants, teaching materials and agency in finding classrooms for their developing-political educational work. wants to

  • make learning at school a good experience,
  • increase the value of the developing-political education in Schleswig-Holstein,
  • attract the interest of children and teenagers for “Eine Welt” and provide the ability to look at situations and problems in a worldwide and comprehensive connection.